DFU with STM32CubeProgrammer fails

I was attempting to update the firmware on an NB GL 500 using the STM32CubeProgrammer and the update failed when it had a communication error. Now nothing works - not recognized by the programmer and doesn’t show up as a COM port. I had missed the note about not using v2.16.0 of the programmer.

I assume that I have bricked the notecard. Is there any way that I can recover? Can I manually get it into bootloader mode?

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Hey @ralphjy,

You can manually get the Notecard into bootloader mode with some of our Notecarrier boards. See this guide Recovering a Bricked Notecard - Blues Developers.


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Thanks TJ. That worked and I successfully updated the firmware using v2.15 of the STMCubeprogrammer.

I used a NoteCarrier-A 2.0. I also have a NoteCarrier-F 1.0 but the Boot Pin is labeled GND. Does this also work?


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That worked and I successfully updated the firmware using v2.15 of the STMCubeprogrammer.


I also have a NoteCarrier-F 1.0 but the Boot Pin is labeled GND. Does this also work?

It does not. Exposing N_BOOT was one of the changes we made with the 1.3 version of the F.