Hi All,
I am designing a compact device that will include a Notecarrier B and a Swan. I have been working with the Notecarrier F and keep running into problems due to omissions from the documentation. For example, the F_TX pin on my Notecarrier F does not work regardless of the position of the DFU switch. The TX pin on the Swan works if I solder a wire directly onto it.
Also, I can only get Serial2 to work on pins A5 and A6. It should work on other pins. I have no idea why. I have wasted most of the weekend on this.
So, I need a solution that allows both of these features all the time:
• Communication between the Notecard and Swan via I²C.
• Notecard Outboard Firmware Update, presumably using Serial?
Is this possible with the Notecarrier B, just using the regular pins?
Does this give a reliable guide for the connection of the Swan to the Notecarrier B?
Thanks in advance,