Is the VESLOV on the Notecarrier-XS and Notecarrier-R an input or an output?
Hi @yokonav,
You can use the ESLOV connector on the Notecarrier-XS and Notecarrier-R to connect to a host MCU, allowing it to communicate with the Notecard. The ESLOV connector exposes the I2C interface to the Notecard and an additional GPIO for the ATTN pin.
The Notecard can also detect sensors such as a BME280 or a MoJo over I2C so it could also be used to connect supported sensors to the Notecard.
Does that answer your question?
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your reply.
I wanted to clarify whether connecting a Portenta board via the Eslov connector and powering the Portenta through the USB connector would provide sufficient power to the Notecarrier XS through the Eslov connector. Would I need to power the Notecarrier XS separately?
Ah I see! Yes, you should be able to power the Notecarrier-XS with the +VESLOV pin. You can see on page 5 of the Notecarrier-XS schematic that it will power the VBUS from either +VESLOV or +VUSB.
Thanks, Alex! From the schematics, it appears that the Notecarrier-XS can be powered via the Eslov connector. I’m curious, if the Notecarrier-XS is powered through the USB connector, can it supply power over Eslov to another MCU or peripherals?
@yokonav +VESLOV is an input power supply for the Notecarrier-XS, so you won’t be able to power an MCU or peripherals with it.
A quick note - You should be aware that the ESLOV connector is only rated for 1A, so you may run into cases where the Notecard or Satellite card suffer brownouts.
Thanks for letting me know!