Four Tips & Tricks for Becoming a Successful Firmware Developer

Learn a handful of tips & tricks that can help you become a more successful firmware developer.
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@tjvantoll I appreciate your article “Four Tips & Tricks for becoming a Successful Firmware Developer”.
FYI, I found the blog post link for commenting broken.
Your approach of referencing your actual project examples helps with clarity. I too have recently found AI tools efficient for specific code snippet approaches and explanation. Your blog article could nicely evolve into an ongoing blog series leveraging around Blues various projects with references to Blues documentation details.
Permit me to suggest a few follow-on topics for newbies using in VS Code, specifically on getting proficient with using VS Code debugging capabilities (e.g. breakpoints) and also good practices for how often and when to sync firmware revisions using GitHub during firmware creation and testing. Your Tips and Tricks could continue to expand onto additional topics such as STLink versus DFU, using multiple .h files appropriately instead of a single giant main.ino file, etc.

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Thanks @JimM!

FYI, I found the blog post link for commenting broken.

I just updated the link. It was the first time we wrote a blog post with an ampersand in the title and it broke things :slight_smile:

Permit me to suggest a few follow-on topics for newbies using in VS Code, specifically on getting proficient with using VS Code debugging capabilities (e.g. breakpoints) and also good practices for how often and when to sync firmware revisions using GitHub during firmware creation and testing. Your Tips and Tricks could continue to expand onto additional topics such as STLink versus DFU, using multiple .h files appropriately instead of a single giant main.ino file, etc.

These are great, and I made some notes because I could definitely see a part two of this article. I still struggle myself at the best way to organize C code when projects start to get big, so this is probably a good excuse to spend some time getting better at that. Even some of our Blues accelerators have pretty epic main.c files :sweat_smile:


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