Hi, I use card.time to get the current time. I understand it is accurate to the order of a second at the moment (and anyway the resolution of the response is on the order of a second). With the GPS it should be possible to get more accurate time. If I could get accurate time to a deci or centisecond that would be very useful. I understand that the time may drift between syncs or GPS fixes, that is acceptable.
I ran your question by our firmware team and got this back:
“The time returned by card.time cannot possibly be exactly accurate. If sourced by GPS it can be close, but when obtained from the network it must be transferred over a slow network. And then there are delays in sending the time between the Notecard and the host over serial or i2c. If you want subsecond accuracy in absolute time, we cannot do it. If you want subsecond accuracy in relative time, you should be using host-based timers.”
By the way, I think card.time always returns UTC time. Would be great if this was documented.
Good call on this. I made a note to update our docs