Template Field not showing in Notehub after note.add

Background: Running notecard (version 4.1.1 firmware), with Notecarrier F, and Adafruit Huzzah 32 mcu. Application wakes very hour, running in minimum mode, application generates up hub sync. Call note.template each time the mcu wakes up (hourly).

Issue: Modified the template by adding another field.

Here is the note.template response from our app:

15:29:03.172 -> {"req":"note.template","file":"sensor.qos","body":{"temp":14.1,"battery":14.1,"CL1":14.1,"CL2":14.1,"CL3":14.1,"timestamp":18,"fwversion":"10"}}
15:29:03.638 -> {"bytes":49}

The note.add response:

15:29:13.187 -> {"req":"note.add","file":"sensor.qos","body":{"temp":24.9,"battery":154.9,"timestamp":12,"CL1":210.049,"CL2":-947.547,"CL3":476.187},"fwversion":"1.1.2","sync":false}
15:29:13.725 -> {"template":true}

That looks good to me, but here is the data in Notehub:

 "req": "note.add",
    "when": 1682976554,
    "file": "sensor.qos",
    "body": {
        "CL1": 210.049,
        "CL2": -947.547,
        "CL3": 476.187,
        "battery": 154.9,
        "temp": 24.9,
        "timestamp": 12

So where is firmware version. I use the Notecard CLI to directly query the current template:

> {"req":"note.template","file":"sensor.qos","verify": true}
 "template": true,
 "body": {
  "temp": 14.1,
  "battery": 14.1,
  "CL1": 14.1,
  "CL2": 14.1,
  "CL3": 14.1,
  "timestamp": 18,
  "fwversion": "10"

I’m at a loss, why there is no fwversion in the note hub data. I’m probably missing something obvious but I can’t find it.


Hi @Karl_iWell,

It looks like the JSON in your note.add request is just a little off in the formatting. The trailing “}” is off by one parameter:

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Thank you. I knew it would obvious when someone found what I couldn’t see.
