Going forward, we plan to keep you better informed about new features and other improvements available in Notehub. Everything you see below is automatically included on Notehub.io:
- A new dedicated Twilio route to make messaging with Twilio easier than ever.
- Routing “retry” improvements via manual bulk event retries and automatic retries of failed requests.
- Redesigned route log UI with improved filtering and searching.
- Easily copy/paste environment variables with the included button shortcuts.
- Improved Notehub APIs to cover new scenarios for managing fleets, devices, and routes.
- Enhanced the AWS Route to simplify security configurations with Lambda Functions.
- Expand/collapse behavior added to the Event viewer to more easily see the full Notefile
. - Shift+click capability to select multiple items in table views.
Let us know what you think (and what you’d like to see next in Notehub)!