Blues note-c now also works with Apache MyNewt

Blues wireless uses note-c for communicating to the Notecard from host such as Microcontroller or SoC. It uses I2C or serial protocol to send and receive JSON request and responses.
Recently, I have ported this API to work with Apache MyNewt. I will explain in short how to get it working.

The getting started guide for MyNewt is for installing the newt tool which is a meta tool for Apache MyNewt. I have followed the guide for installing the tool on Linux but it also works on Windows and Mac OS.

The next step would be to install the arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-gdb. After install the tutorial explains how to create a simple project, target and application. Basically project is where all project related files are stored. There can be multiple targets and application in a project. Targets and applications can be configured with different settings.

As I my PR for Blues wireless note-c is approved the sources for the API and example application are automatically downloaded with just one command "newt upgrade".

The API will be downloaded to /repos/ folder and the example application will be in apps/blues-wireless folder.

Then one can just build the application with $newt build target

This will compile all the required source to build and flash the example application.
Finally, $newt create-image target 1.0.1 and $newt load target will load the application on the board.

The example is a simple GPS tracking using the Notecard.


Thanks @ujur007 this is great!

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Thanks @RobLauer. someone might want to try that…!