Decoding movements and motion data?


I would like to know how to decode the movements and motion data?

“count”: 17,
“seconds”: 5,
“status”: “face-up”,
“movements”: “520000000000000000000A”,
“motion”: 1599074347
“seconds”: 30,
“status”: “face-up”,
“movements”: “1010”,
“motion”: 1599074347

How do I relate the motion data with the raw accelerometer data X, Y, Z?


Hey @mtrobregado,

I would like to know how to decode the movements and motion data?

The API documentation for the card.motion request lists all these fields out and what they do: card Requests - API Reference - Blues Developers. And this guide talks through how to use the card.motion request with some context: Low Power Design - Blues Developers

How do I relate the motion data with the raw accelerometer data X, Y, Z?

We do not expose raw data from Notecard’s onboard accelerometer. We only expose the orientation of a Notecard and timestamps/counts for when a Notecard moves.

If you’re still stuck, maybe let me know what you’re trying to using the accelerometer for in your project and I can try to point you in the right direction.


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