On ubuntu / Windows 10 or wsl I get the same result, basically an empty line (note: email address and password are changed below but I am pretty sure they are correct)
I noticed the quotation marks (") in the terminal output you shared (shown below) are two different kinds, “ and ". It’s hard to see in most editors, but it makes a big difference to CURL.
brian@LAPTOP-70Q5CT1Q:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32$ curl --request POST --location “https://api.notefile.net/auth/login” --data ‘{“username":"brian@myemailaddress.com”, “password”:“mypassword!”}’
The bizarre quotation marks usually appear if you were to highlight the text and press Ctrl+C. As a sanity test, I clicked the COPY button on the webpage you shared, entered my own credentials, and I received a session token.
To ensure we are starting on the same footing, would you mind to go through the process once again, but being sure to press the COPY button?
I did indeed press copy and, just in case, I did it again. I suspect the weird quotation marks are an artifact of this forum’s paste. Just in case I retyped the line and got the same result.
However, you put me on the right track: I had reset my password but apparently it didn’t “take” until I logged out and logged back in again.
Apparently I was passing an old password.
Sometimes its hard to know if you are following the instructions right or otherwise screwing up.
Sorry for the spam. Now that I can send a note to the Notecard via Notehub and curl, do you know the syntax for getting a note from Notehub?
I uploaded a Note from my Notecard with the example and I see it on Notehub
I tried to reverse engineer a “get” and ended up with this
curl --request POST --location ‘https://api.notefile.net/req’
–header 'X-SESSION-TOKEN: ’
–data ‘{“req”:“note.get”,“file”:“sensors.qo”,
I get a reply
{“err”:“no notes available in queue {note-noexist}”}
Zack, thanks, I was aware of the routes aspect. That requires I set up a server or a cloud service of some sort. At least for testing (and potentially as an end use) I imagine something like an Android app to query your Notehub directly via HTTP.
It seems to make sense to me that if I can push a message from an app to the Notecard via Notehub (as I have now done successfully) I should be able to do the reverse and get a message from Notehub. Are you suggesting this is not the case?