I am trying to setup an ulp-system with the Notecarrier-F. I am setting the notecard into “minimum”-mode, otherwise I am using
to trigger low-power mode as described in the guides. The dip-switch on the back of the F-Carrier is set to N_ATTN
The setup basically works, i.e. the notecard cuts power and the Feather stops working. After the sleep-time the Feather resets and starts up again.
Now when I measure current consumption, I am stuck at about 2.5mA@3.6V (using V+ or VBAT). When I provide power via the Notecard-USB, the figures are 7-15mA@5V (the value oscillates in this case, while being stable for V+/VBAT).
Is this to be expected or am I missing something? I would not call 2.5mA “ultra-low-power”…
Hi @datalogger,
If you’re using a 2mA draw, it sounds like AUX may be enabled. You can try disabling it with:
Your target should be 8-12uA @ 5V depending on the specific Notecard you are using (with several additional uA depending on the Notecarrier in use).
Hi Rob,
thanks for the fast response. Sadly, turning AUX off had no effect.
Hi @datalogger,
When I’m testing a Notecard to get it into its lowest power consumption mode, the below requests are all of the steps I take. This is the nuclear option of course
, but chances are one of these commands will undo something previously set that continues to draw current.
Hi Rob,
thanks, I will give it a try and report back. Some of the settings are not relevant for my card (e.g. the card.sleep), but I will try the other ones. And the card.restore will be the last resort, since it would need reinitializing everything.
Hi Rob,
this did not change anything. But I skipped the card.restore for now, because I noticed that I am still on firmware 5.3.1. I did not read anything in the release notes that there were updates to the ULP functionality, but maybe I should upgrade to the current firmware anyhow before further configuration/testing.
What do you think? Thanks!
Ah yes, I would try upgrading to 7.5.2 as there were some related changes made earlier this year. If that’s not it, we can dig deeper!
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Hi Rob,
with 7.5.2 I am down to 335µA@3.6V
This is still not in the anticipated range, but I think it is good enough for now. If you have any other suggestion what to try, please let me know.
Thanks for your support!
There is a lot of capacitance on Notecarrier F which is likely why you’re seeing those numbers. In my experience, the best low-power results will be seen using Notecarrier A.