NoteHub Route to Google Sheets

I want to know if there is an easy way to route Notehub data to google sheets. I have absolutely zero knowledge on how you would even begin to do that. I am also not super familiar nor am I comfortable using the routes tab on the dashboard. I’m hoping there is a simple way to do this. Seems like it would have been done before. Thank you!

Hi @colin-mcmillen,

Yes! I’m currently writing up a tutorial for the Blues blog on how to do this but the quick answer is that you can use Google’s App Scripts to set up a webhook from Notehub to the Google Sheet.

This link shows you how to set up the webhook for Google sheets but if you can hold on for a couple of days, I’ll finish up the blog post and share with you the tutorial for the Notehub version!


Thanks for getting back to me, Alex. Any update on the note hub version? Also, would you happen to know if it would be easy to route to a MySQL database as well? Considering all options still. Thanks!

Hi @colin-mcmillen,

I have this staged in an upcoming Hackster post about our new product, Mojo. The plan is to release the post next week some time but I can give you a link to it before it goes live.

Let me know if this helps or if you would like some more help!
