Outboard DFU Error - Host incompatible

Trying to do Outboard DFU update and getting the following error in Notehub:

    "text": "DFU of host firmware aborted: cannot update host: loader: binpack type esp32 is not compatible with host esp3on':'1.0.0','built':'Apr 19 2023 15"

Here is the command I used to build the bin pack:

Karls-iWell-Macbook:Notecard CLI karlnicholas$ ~/OneDrive/"Blues Wireless"/"Notecard CLI"/notecard -binpack esp32 0x1000:sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin 0x8000:sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin 0x10000:sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin

2023-04-19-201641.binpack now incorporates 3 files and is 700431 bytes (34% saved because of compression):

HOST: esp32

LOAD: sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin,0x00001000,0x4cc50,0x4cc50

LOAD: sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin,0x00008000,0x4cc50,0x4cc50

LOAD: sketch_RS485_Test_v2.ino.bin,0x00010000,0x4cc50,0x4cc50

INFO: firmware::info:{"org":"iWell","product":"RS_485 Test","description":"","firmware":"notecard-esp32-dfu-test-v2","version":"1.1.0","built":"Apr 19 2023 11:51:38","ver_major":1,"ver_minor":1,"ver_patch":0,"ver_build":0,"builder":""}

I compiled my version 1 code using Arduino IDE and downloaded onto host (Adafruit Feather Huzzah 32). Simply changed version number in v2 and compiled using Arduino IDE, then built bin pack as shown above.

I don’t know where “esp3on” for host in error message is coming from.

Any ideas?


This may a false alarm. In the test described, I had the DFU switch on and was using the default connections between Notecard and host.

I turned DFU off, used the connections described in https://discuss.blues.com/t/esp32-s2-outboard-dfu/1125 and it is now writing the new version to the host.

Still debugging, the host is not successfully updating, but I made it past this hurdle.
