Outboard Firmware Update STM32F429

I’m running into an error when trying to update the firmware on my STM32F429. I get the error: “cannot update host: {odfu-init}: F42xxx/43xxx dual-bank not yet supported”. I have the option bits for the dual bank feature of the MCU disabled, so it is using a single bank.

Does outboard firmware update work with the STM32F429 MCU when dual bank is disabled? Is there something else I’m missing?

Here’s my hardware and firmware setup: (NOTE-NBGL) running firmware

Hi @rickconrey. Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, the Notecard firmware doesn’t support ODFU for that particular part. I am going to see what it would take to get support into our next firmware release, though. I’ll report back here with any updates.


Hayden Roche
Blues staff firmware engineer

Hi @rickconrey. When you get a chance, could you let me know the exact STM32F429 you’re using? I’m asking because the amount of flash the chip has impacts the way the ODFU has to be performed, as the flash layout differs depending on the size.

We are using the STM32F429ZIT6, so 2MB flash. Our firmware is much smaller than that though if it matters.

Thanks for that information!

Because the part is 2 MB, there actually is no “single bank” mode. See Table 6 of RM0090. The flash is organized as 2 banks, and there’s no way for the user to change that. You may not be using dual-bank boot, but that’s a separate (but related) thing controlled by a separate flag in the chip’s options bytes (BFB2). DB1M is the bit in the options bytes that controls dual-bank vs. single-bank flash layout, and it’s only relevant for 1 MB parts. See Table 17 of RM0090.

I just got my hands on the same chip you’re using, and I’m now going to work on getting ODFU working. I think it will be pretty straightforward, but I’ll let you know how it goes.