I am having trouble receiving the verification email for a new Notehub account signup at my work email address. I ended up using my personal Gmail account instead (which worked just fine), but I would rather have my account setup at my work address.
I have resent the verification email many times over the course of several days. Only 2 of the emails actually came through, but they were delayed by several hours so the verification link had already expired. Nothing has come through since despite many additional attempts. I checked with Siteground tech support (my email host), and they have verified blues.com is not on any SPAM list or blacklist, and I have followed all their procedures to make sure the emails don’t get flagged as Junk in my account (added to contacts, added personal whitelist, moved messages to the Inbox, etc). Still no luck.
Can someone look into this for me please, or simply verify my account manually so I can start using it to sign in? The username/address is: josh@ennocenti.com
Thanks in advance.