Hello. I have just started to play with the simple notecard wifi with the notecarrier PI with a brand new raspberry pi 5. I have the CLI downloaded, and have experimented with the python library however, I seem to be unable to do simple things like notecard -info
with an error insufficient data (2 < 49)
It appears in my fiddling I have have made it sync to my project, but something is off. I am doing this directly on the raspberry pi through i2c - but this is new ground for me.
The bottom output of notecard
is as follows:
Currently saved values:
-interface i2c
-port /dev/i2c-1
-portconfig 23
Ports on 'i2c':
/dev/i2c-1 ***
notecard -info -verbose
retrying I/O error detected by host: read error: rb: insufficient data (2 < 49) {io}
notecard -factory -verbose
read error: rb: insufficient data (2 < 49) {io} {io}
notecard -format
error i2c reopen not yet supported since I can't test it yet
Similarly with a python script as follows:
import notecard
from notecard import hub, card, note
from periphery import I2C
productUID = "com.gmail.EMAIL:UID"
port = I2C("/dev/i2c-1")
nCard = notecard.OpenI2C(port, 0, 0, debug=True)
I have an exception:
Resetting Notecard I2C communications.
Serial-over-I2C error: reported data length (2) differs from actual data length (0).
Serial-over-I2C error: reported data length (2) differs from actual data length (0).
Notecard not responding to newline during reset.
May well be something basic in i2c world I am yet to understand, I have only picked up the notecard today, but some help would be appreciated. I simply want to experiment, first with CLI and then a mock python program to mimic a sensor and send notes on demand.