Unable to .info or .factory reset. insufficient data (2 < 49). Raspberry Pi 5

Hello. I have just started to play with the simple notecard wifi with the notecarrier PI with a brand new raspberry pi 5. I have the CLI downloaded, and have experimented with the python library however, I seem to be unable to do simple things like notecard -info with an error insufficient data (2 < 49).

It appears in my fiddling I have have made it sync to my project, but something is off. I am doing this directly on the raspberry pi through i2c - but this is new ground for me.

The bottom output of notecard is as follows:

Currently saved values:
   -interface i2c
   -port /dev/i2c-1
   -portconfig 23

Ports on 'i2c':
   /dev/i2c-1 ***


notecard -info -verbose
retrying I/O error detected by host: read error: rb: insufficient data (2 < 49) {io}
notecard -factory -verbose
read error: rb: insufficient data (2 < 49) {io} {io}
notecard -format
error i2c reopen not yet supported since I can't test it yet

Similarly with a python script as follows:

import notecard
from notecard import hub, card, note
from periphery import I2C

productUID = "com.gmail.EMAIL:UID"
port = I2C("/dev/i2c-1")
nCard = notecard.OpenI2C(port, 0, 0, debug=True)

I have an exception:

Resetting Notecard I2C communications.
Serial-over-I2C error: reported data length (2) differs from actual data length (0).
Serial-over-I2C error: reported data length (2) differs from actual data length (0).
Notecard not responding to newline during reset.

May well be something basic in i2c world I am yet to understand, I have only picked up the notecard today, but some help would be appreciated. I simply want to experiment, first with CLI and then a mock python program to mimic a sensor and send notes on demand.

Hi @JustJoel,

I believe we have noticed issues connecting to the Raspberry Pi 5 over I2C, specifically because of the limited/unclear documentation regarding whether the Raspberry Pi 5 supports I2C clock stretching (which is frequently used by the Notecard). I’ll create a docs ticket for this to make sure it works its way into our documentation as I am aware that it’s unclear for the Raspberry Pi 5.

If it is possible, I’d suggest using Serial to connect to the Pi and Notecard. On the Notecarrier Pi, you can enable this by toggling the SERIAL TXRX switch to ON. You can then access it over the UART0 interface on GPIO pins 14 (TX) and 15 (RX).

You’ll also need to instruct Notecard CLI to use the notecard -interface serial with the corresponding port, likely notecard -port /dev/ttyAMA0.
