Using an External GPS/GNSS Module with the Notecard

Learn how to use an external GPS Module with the Notecard, and how you might want to configure the Notecard based on your project.
Read the full blog post at and continue the discussion here.

Does this instruction work for LoRa Notecards as well? (I mean not only hardware connection to an external GPS but also the settings like card.location etc.)

Hey @e669danesh - No this instruction does not apply to LoRa Notecards. To use an external GPS/GNSS module, the card.aux.serial request is needed, and this request is not supported on the LoRa Notecards.


Thank you, Youssif. So the only way to add this functionality is through the MCU, correct? If that’s the case, can we modify note.templates to send Lon/Lat data (eg, using _lat and _lan) ?

Hey @e669danesh - yes that’s correct, you can connect the external GPS to your MCU, send the data from the MCU to the Notecard, and then use templated notes to push this data to Notehub.


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