Why doesn't GPS acquire signal using Notecarrier X, but it does when I use a Notecarrier B

I have been using a the Notecard GPS capabilities.

When I was advised by Blues to switch to a Notecarrier X from a Notecarrier B when B was not available, the Notecard GPS no longer acquires location.

I’m using the same Notecard and the same antenna, just changing Notecarriers.

What happened?

Connect VGPS_OUT and VGPS_IN on Notecarrier X.

The default configuration for using an active GPS antenna is different between the Notecarrier X and the Notecarrier B.

On the Notecarrier B, it defaults to providing a bias voltage for an active GPS antenna.

The Notecarrier X does not default to providing voltage for an active GPS antenna.

Mostly likely, if you have been using a Notecarrier B, the antenna is an active GPS antenna.

Try connecting the VGPS_OUT and VGPS_IN pins to each other on the Notecarrier X.

This will apply the 3.8V bias to the GPS antenna so it can power it’s amplifiers.

Warning: connecting a passive GPS antenna to a Notecard that is supplying a bias voltage (i.e. configured for an active GPS antenna) can damage the Notecard.

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