Can't read version error in events log

Over the summer I started to get the error in the events log below on multiple devices. I’m doing routing sending of very small payloads(~1KB) and did not get this error for months prior. It seems to occur on every event. Is this anything to be concerned about? Does it eat up credits? Notecards getting this have 2 bars of service.
I’m using the notecard in cellular mode doing periodic notes every 2 hours like so:

req = {"req": "note.add"}
req["file"] = "data.qo"
req["sync"] = True # type: ignore  
req["body"] = {.... } 
rsp = card.Transaction(req)

Errror after each successful transmission.

        "why": "closed: notehub error reading request: wire read: can't read version: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer"

Hi @bkauf,

Just to be clear, are you seeing these messages in _session.qo Notefiles after every session/sync is completed?

Hi @RobLauer yes that’s correct. I’m sending notes to notehub via data.qo, and the

 "why": "closed: notehub error reading request: wire read: can't read version: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer"

errors show up right after those messages are received by notehub in a _session.qo file.

Hey @bkauf,

This is a bug that we’re working on resolving. The message shouldn’t display as an error and should just show that the Session closed.

This is related to change we recently made to create separate _session.qo events when a Session opens and closes (see System Notefiles - Blues Developers for details).

If you’re worried about potential credit use from the additional events, you can alter your route to ignore _session.qo Notes if you’re not using them.


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Great thank you - I will ignore it for now