CME Error on wideband notecard


I have a Wideband Notecard that will not connect. I factory reset it and enabled trace logs and this is what I am seeing. I do not have an external sim card connected.

Card info:
M00:45.04 {“id”:2000000000,“version”:“notecard-”,“device”:“dev:868050045446347”,“name”:“Blues Wireless Notecard”,“sku”:“NOTE-WBNA-500”,“board”:“1.11”,“api”:3,“body”:{“org”:“Blues Wireless”,“product”:“Notecard”,“version”:“notecard-3.5.2”,“ver_major”:3,“ver_minor”:5,“ver_patch”:2,“ver_build”:15620,“built”:“Oct 28 2022 17:56:34”}}

M00:30.81     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:30.86     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:30.96     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.00     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.11     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.15     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.25     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.30     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.40     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.45     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.55     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.60     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.70     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.75     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:31.85     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:31.90     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:32.00     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:32.04     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:32.15     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:32.19     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:34.73     14 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:34.77     14 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:37.31     17 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:37.35     17 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:39.88     19 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:39.93     19 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:42.46     22 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:42.51     22 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10

Hi Guys, any ideas on this? Seems like the notecard cannot find the esim?
This card is only about a week old…

Hi @Pechan,

Sorry for the delay in our response. First question - are you using an external SIM with this Notecard by any chance?


Hi Rob,

No im not.

Notecard is on a notecarrior F.


Ok thanks - can you please gather a trace log of the Notecard attempting a network connection and attach it to this thread? This should help us diagnose the issue for you.


Hi Rob,

This is what I am getting from the log.

~ Disconnected from serial
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:868050045446347 (NOTE-WBNA-500) running firmware
+ Hint: set your Notehub ProductUID with {"req": "hub.set", "product": "com.example.product"}
> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"on"}
S00:08.83 modem: *************** ON ***************
S00:08.83 sync: wireless: modem now ON {modem-on}
M00:11.11      6 < aftr | heartbeat
M00:13.40      8 < aftr | heartbeat
M00:15.69     11 < aftr | heartbeat
M00:17.70     13 < aftr | 
M00:17.70     13 > echo | ate0
M00:17.75     13 < echo | RDY
M00:17.75      0 < pow  | 
M00:17.76 modem: 5.09V 23.75C at power-on
M00:17.76 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}
M00:18.37      0 < aftr | ate0
M00:18.37      0 > echo | ate0
M00:18.42      0 < echo | OK
M00:18.92      1 > isen | at+cfun?
M00:18.97      1 < isen | OK
M00:18.97      1 < isen | +CFUN: 1
M00:21.51      3 > srof | at+cfun=4
M00:21.55      3 < srof | OK
M00:26.62      8 > sron | at+cfun=1
M00:26.66      8 < sron | OK
M00:26.66      8 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:26.71      8 < sims | OK
M00:26.71      8 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:26.81      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:26.86      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:26.96      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.01      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.11      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.16      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.26      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.30      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.40      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.45      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.55      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.60      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.70      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.75      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:27.85     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:27.90     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.00     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.05     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.15     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.20     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.30     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.34     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.45     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.49     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.59     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.64     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.74     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.79     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:28.89     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:28.94     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:29.04     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:29.10     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:29.20     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:29.24     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:29.35     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:29.39     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:29.49     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:29.54     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10
M00:29.64     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M00:29.69     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 10

Here is my setup, just a notecarrier F connected to pc with usb cable. The Dupont wires in the picture are not connected.

Hi @Pechan - Can you please email and reference this forum post? We need to swap out your Notecard for a new one as this might be the sign of a hardware issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

No Problem,
Thanks for the great support.