Difference between notecarrier A and F

Hi @RobLauer,

I am planning purchase blues stuff to use in India using external sim card because notecard doesn’t cover my country. May I know the difference between note carrier A and F? also please giving me suggestions on list of my items in the cart. Thank you for your valuable time.

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Hi @Srihari,

There are quite a few differences between the Notecarrier A and Notecarrier F, most importantly the F provides a socket for plugging in a Feather-compatible host and it supports Notecard Outboard Firmware Update without any additional wiring. Notecarrier A includes onboard antennas and (through the exposed headers) can connect to any host MCU.

The items in your cart look good!


Thank you. I will use external MCU’s, in this case which one is best notecarrier A or F?

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Is it a Feather-based MCU? Use the Notecarrier F.

If not, use the Notecarrier A.