Error Updating Fleet Using Notehub

@zfields Recently I have noticed that when I change the fleet or fleets for my devices, the change takes effect temporarily and in what seems like less than 1 hour the fleet(s) reverse to their original setting. Is Blues aware of this issue?

I have tried on Chrome and Safari browsers with the same result.

Hey @kdl,

Sorry you’re hitting issues here. I’m not aware of this problem and I’m trying to recreate it on my end.

Can you give us a little more detail about the steps you’re taking? Are you changing fleets from the main Devices screen? And are you taking any other actions after that, or just leaving the browser open?

Also just as a sanity check: do you have any apps/processes/backends that might be using the Notehub API to manage device fleets that might be overwriting the changes you’re making in the UI?


Hi @tjvantoll ,

My problems also occur when trying to update Tags as well.

The steps I am taking as follows:
Starting on

  1. Select a Device to open“DEVICEIDHERE”
  2. Select dropdown arrow for Fleets.
  3. Deselect and/or select a Fleet to make a change.

By default my devices are in My Fleet. I have two other fleets that are set up to communicate with different routes. Regardless of which fleet or fleet(s) I select, the change will occur temporarily. I know the change occurs because once I change the Fleet, the routes properly send data but shortly after, the Fleets return to the settings from before I made changes. This appears to be occurring with Tags too.

I’m noticing this today which could be of help:

  1. I navigated from My Fleet → Fleet settings → My Fleet
  2. My Fleet now shows old data from over 2 hours ago. One specific device that I attempted to changed the Tag on shows a Last Seen value of 12:34PM

BUT if I navigate to Events and search that Dev ID. The last communication was at 2:49PM

We are using the API to perform Fleet updates but this has been set up for some time and Notehub was functioning properly previously.