Facing issue while syncing using External sim

Hello, I’m using an Airtel SIM card with a Notecarrier-F. While having connectivity issues, I attempted to connect Notecard with Notehub using the Quickstart tutorial and read the forum. My trace log is attached for your reference. Please let me know what issue I am facing.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-1.5.6","ver_major":1,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":6,"ver_build":13807,"built":"Oct  7 2021 14:32:14"},"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":1}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"waiting for wireless service 125 sec [++++] {cell-registration-wait}","sync":true}
* Terminal lost connection to device.
~ Disconnected from serial
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-1.5.6","ver_major":1,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":6,"ver_build":13807,"built":"Oct  7 2021 14:32:14"},"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":1}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {
  "req": "card.wireless",
  "apn": "airtelgprs.com"
~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"alert":true,"status":"modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}","sync":true}
> {
  "req": "card.wireless",
{"err":"cannot interpret JSON: string or '}' expected near end of file {io}"}
{"err":"JSON object expected:   \"req\": \"card.wireless\", {io}"}
{"err":"JSON object expected: } {io}"}
> {
  "req": "card.wireless"
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"card.trace","trace":"+mdmmax","mode":"on"}

> {"req":"hub.sync","allow":true}
M07:57.37     29 < Heartbeat           
S07:59.85 sync-task: change polling from 300000ms to 750ms for high responsiveness 
M08:17.70     49 < Heartbeat           
M08:38.03     70 < Heartbeat           
M08:58.35     90 < Heartbeat           
R09:13.79 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
M09:18.68    110 < Heartbeat           
M09:39.00    131 < Heartbeat           
M09:42.02 *** MODEM TRANSACTION TOO LONG SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M09:42.02 _log.qo: *** MODEM HARD RESET SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M09:42.02    134 < HardReset            
M09:42.02 *** HARD RESET ***
M09:42.02    134 < PowerOff             
M09:42.02 modem: **********************************
M09:42.02 modem: active for 130 sec
M09:42.02 modem: **********************************
M09:42.02 modem: wireless: modem now OFF (was active 130 sec, 0 bytes transferred) {modem-off}
M09:47.07 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
M09:47.42 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M09:47.43 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M09:47.43    139 < PowerOn              
M09:47.44 modem: 5.06V 28.81C at power-on
M09:47.44 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M09:51.54 modem: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M09:53.90      6 < PostReset            RDY
M09:53.90      6 > EchoOff              ate0
M09:53.95      6 < EchoOff              ate0
M09:53.95      6 < EchoOff              OK
M09:53.95      6 > IsEnabled            at+cfun?
M09:53.99      6 < IsEnabled            +CFUN: 1
M09:53.99      6 < IsEnabled            OK
S09:54.18 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S09:54.18 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S09:54.18 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S09:54.94 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S09:54.94 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S09:54.95 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S09:55.72 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S09:55.72 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S09:55.72 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S09:55.72 sync-task: change polling from 750ms to 300000ms to conserve energy 
M09:56.50      9 > SIMResetOff          at+cfun=0
M09:56.55      9 < SIMResetOff          APP RDY
M09:56.57      9 < SIMResetOff          OK
M09:56.57      9 > SIMResetOn           at+cfun=1
M10:16.95     29 < Heartbeat           
M10:37.28     49 < Heartbeat           
R10:41.80 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
M10:57.61     70 < Heartbeat           
M11:17.93     90 < Heartbeat           
M11:38.26    110 < Heartbeat           
M11:58.58    131 < Heartbeat           
M12:01.59 *** MODEM TRANSACTION TOO LONG SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M12:01.59 _log.qo: *** MODEM HARD RESET SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M12:01.59    134 < HardReset            
M12:01.59 *** HARD RESET ***
M12:01.59    134 < PowerOff             
M12:01.60 modem: **********************************
M12:01.60 modem: active for 130 sec
M12:01.61 modem: **********************************
M12:01.61 modem: wireless: modem now OFF (was active 130 sec, 0 bytes transferred) {modem-off}
M12:06.65 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
S12:06.69 sync-task: change polling from 300000ms to 750ms for high responsiveness 
M12:07.00 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M12:07.01    139 < PowerOn              
M12:07.02 modem: 5.06V 28.63C at power-on
M12:07.02 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M12:11.10 modem: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M12:13.46      6 < PostReset            RDY
M12:13.46      6 > EchoOff              ate0
M12:13.51      6 < EchoOff              ate0
M12:13.51      6 < EchoOff              OK
M12:13.51      6 > IsEnabled            at+cfun?
M12:13.56      6 < IsEnabled            +CFUN: 1
M12:13.56      6 < IsEnabled            OK
S12:13.77 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S12:13.77 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S12:13.77 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S12:14.53 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S12:14.53 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S12:14.53 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S12:15.29 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S12:15.29 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S12:15.29 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S12:15.29 sync-task: change polling from 750ms to 300000ms to conserve energy 
M12:16.07      9 > SIMResetOff          at+cfun=0
M12:16.11      9 < SIMResetOff          APP RDY
M12:16.13      9 < SIMResetOff          OK
M12:16.13      9 > SIMResetOn           at+cfun=1
M12:36.51     29 < Heartbeat           
G12:53.48 accel: movements:2 free-falls:0 5s:1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
S12:53.49 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S12:53.49 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.1 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S12:53.50 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.1 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
G13:13.90 accel: movements:3 free-falls:0 5s:1000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
S13:13.91 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S13:13.91 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (3.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S13:13.91 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (3.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
M13:37.49     90 < Heartbeat           
M13:57.81    110 < Heartbeat           
M14:18.14    131 < Heartbeat           
M14:21.15 *** MODEM TRANSACTION TOO LONG SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M14:21.15 _log.qo: *** MODEM HARD RESET SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M14:21.15    134 < HardReset            
M14:21.15 *** HARD RESET ***
M14:21.15    134 < PowerOff             
M14:21.15 modem: **********************************
M14:21.15 modem: active for 130 sec
M14:21.15 modem: **********************************
M14:21.16 modem: wireless: modem now OFF (was active 130 sec, 0 bytes transferred) {modem-off}
S14:34.09 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S14:34.09 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S14:34.09 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S14:34.86 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S14:34.86 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S14:34.86 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S14:34.86 sync-task: change polling from 750ms to 300000ms to conserve energy 
M14:35.59      9 > SIMResetOff          at+cfun=0
M14:35.64      9 < SIMResetOff          APP RDY
M14:35.66      9 < SIMResetOff          OK
M14:35.66      9 > SIMResetOn           at+cfun=1
M15:16.36     49 < Heartbeat           
M15:36.69     70 < Heartbeat           
M15:57.02     90 < Heartbeat           
M16:17.35    110 < Heartbeat           
M16:46.10 modem: 5.06V 28.63C at power-on
M16:46.10 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M16:50.20 modem: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M16:52.55      6 < PostReset            RDY
M16:52.55      6 > EchoOff              ate0
M16:52.60      6 < EchoOff              ate0
M16:52.60      6 < EchoOff              OK
M16:52.60      6 > IsEnabled            at+cfun?
M16:52.65      6 < IsEnabled            +CFUN: 1
M16:52.65      6 < IsEnabled            OK
S16:52.83 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S16:52.83 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S16:52.83 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S16:53.59 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S16:53.59 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S16:53.59 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S16:54.36 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S16:54.36 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S16:54.37 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S16:54.37 sync-task: change polling from 750ms to 300000ms to conserve energy 
M16:55.16      9 > SIMResetOff          at+cfun=0
M16:55.20      9 < SIMResetOff          APP RDY
M16:55.22      9 < SIMResetOff          OK
M16:55.22      9 > SIMResetOn           at+cfun=1
M17:15.60     29 < Heartbeat           

Hi @Shankar,

I noticed your Notecard firmware version is quite old (1.5.6). First, you should upgrade your firmware at the earliest convenience. One of the many benefits is improved response data from your card.wireless requests, so we can verify whether or not the external SIM is properly in use.

I would also double check your SIM is inserted correctly of course!


Hello @RobLauer , I tried upgrading the firmware and as well followed the other steps mentioned in various other forums, still facing the issue in syncing the notecard for more than a week. I hereby attach the trace file for your reference. Let me know the issue as soon as possible. Thank you.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-1.5.6","ver_major":1,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":6,"ver_build":13807,"built":"Oct  7 2021 14:32:14"},"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":1}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"waiting for wireless service 47 sec [++++] {cell-registration-wait}","sync":true}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"waiting for wireless service 226 sec [++++] {cell-registration-wait}","sync":true}
* Terminal lost connection to device.
~ Disconnected from serial
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-1.5.6","ver_major":1,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":6,"ver_build":13807,"built":"Oct  7 2021 14:32:14"},"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":1}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}","sync":true}
> {
  "req": "card.wireless",
  "apn": "airtelgprs.com"
~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}","sync":true}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}","sync":true}
> card.wireless
{"err":"JSON object expected: card.wireless {io}"}
> {"req":"card.wireless"}
> {“req”:“card.wireless”,“apn”:“airtelgprs.com”}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}","sync":true}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"alert":true,"status":"modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}","sync":true}
> {"req":"card.trace","trace":"+mdmmax","mode":"on"}
S08:40.18 sync-task: change polling from 300000ms to 750ms for high responsiveness 
~ This terminal sends one request at a time to conform to the Notecard API.
M09:18.85    110 < Heartbeat           
M09:39.17    131 < Heartbeat           
M09:42.94 *** MODEM TRANSACTION TOO LONG SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M09:42.94 _log.qo: *** MODEM HARD RESET SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M09:42.94    134 < HardReset            
M09:42.94 *** HARD RESET ***
M09:42.94    134 < PowerOff             
M09:42.94 modem: **********************************
M09:42.94 modem: active for 130 sec
M09:42.94 modem: **********************************
M09:42.94 modem: wireless: modem now OFF (was active 130 sec, 0 bytes transferred) {modem-off}
M09:47.99 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
M09:48.34 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M09:48.34 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M09:48.34    140 < PowerOn              
M09:48.35 modem: 5.18V 28.50C at power-on
M09:48.35 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting} {network}{extended-network-failure}
> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"airtelgprs.com"}
S10:44.98 sync-task: change polling from 300000ms to 750ms for high responsiveness 
M10:58.44     70 < Heartbeat           
M11:18.76     90 < Heartbeat           
M11:39.08    110 < Heartbeat           
M11:59.41    131 < Heartbeat           
M12:02.42 *** MODEM TRANSACTION TOO LONG SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M12:02.42 _log.qo: *** MODEM HARD RESET SIMResetOn at+cfun=1 (125 sec)
M12:02.42    134 < HardReset            
M12:02.42 *** HARD RESET ***
M12:02.42    134 < PowerOff             
M12:02.42 modem: **********************************
M12:02.42 modem: active for 130 sec
M12:02.42 modem: **********************************
M12:02.43 modem: wireless: modem now OFF (was active 130 sec, 0 bytes transferred) {modem-off}
M12:07.47 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
M12:07.82 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M12:07.82 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M12:07.82    139 < PowerOn              
M12:07.83 modem: 5.18V 28.56C at power-on
M12:07.83 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting} {network}{extended-network-failure}
> {"req":"hub.sync","allow":true}

S12:24.06 sync-task: change polling from 300000ms to 750ms for high responsiveness 
M12:37.27     29 < Heartbeat           
M12:57.59     49 < Heartbeat           
M13:17.91     70 < Heartbeat           
R13:21.94 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
R13:32.02 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
M13:38.23     90 < Heartbeat           
R13:42.11 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
M13:58.55    110 < Heartbeat           
R14:01.94 usb: transmit failure (HAL BUSY)
M14:18.87    131 < Heartbeat           
M14:32.11 modem: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M14:34.47      6 < PostReset            RDY
M14:34.47      6 > EchoOff              ate0
M14:34.52      6 < EchoOff              ate0
M14:34.52      6 < EchoOff              OK
M14:34.52      6 > IsEnabled            at+cfun?
M14:34.57      6 < IsEnabled            +CFUN: 1
M14:34.57      6 < IsEnabled            OK
S14:34.79 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S14:34.79 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S14:34.79 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S14:35.56 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S14:35.56 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S14:35.57 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S14:36.33 sync: notehub: disconnected (was {connecting}) via close of notebox {notehub-disconnected}
S14:36.33 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure} {sync-error}
S14:36.33 SyncOnSchedule: modem: can't connect (4.8 min remaining) {network}{extended-network-failure}
S14:36.33 sync-task: change polling from 750ms to 300000ms to conserve energy 
M14:37.08      9 > SIMResetOff          at+cfun=0
M14:37.12      9 < SIMResetOff          APP RDY
M14:37.14      9 < SIMResetOff          OK
M14:37.14      9 > SIMResetOn           at+cfun=1

Hey @RobLauer , the updated log file is embedded here.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":3,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-3.5.2","ver_major":3,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":2,"ver_build":15620,"built":"Oct 28 2022 17:56:34"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {
  "req": "card.wireless",
  "apn": "airtelgprs.com"
~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {“req”:“hub.sync”}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"airtelgprs.com"}
~ This terminal sends one request at a time to conform to the Notecard API.
> {"req":"hub.sync","allow":true}
> {"req":"card.wireless","mode":",airtelgprs.com"}
> {"req":"hub.sync","allow":true}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"card.wireless"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":1159}
> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"airtelgprs.com"}
> {"req":"hub.set","host":""}
> {"req":"hub.sync","allow":true}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}

Are you running your own instance of a Notehub server? That’s the only scenario where you would set the host above. If you need to reset it, please send in this request:


I have gone through the forum with similar topics and tried to sort it out on my own. After following the various other methods, still facing issues with the sync process. Please help me to sort it out. I tried resetting it and faced the same concern. Please let me know the solution.

If you’re reset the host in your hub.set command back to the default, can you next please create a network sync trace? This will help us diagnose the actual connectivity issue you are having.


Hereby attaching the log.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":3,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-3.5.2","ver_major":3,"ver_minor":5,"ver_patch":2,"ver_build":15620,"built":"Oct 28 2022 17:56:34"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {“req”:“card.wireless”,“apn”:“airtelgprs.com”}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":10}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":25}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":38}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> sync-trace

> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"on"}

M07:29.53    416 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:29.58    416 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:29.68    416 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:29.73    416 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
M07:29.83    416 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:29.88    416 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:29.98    416 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.02    416 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:30.12    416 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.17    416 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:30.27    417 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.32    417 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:30.42    417 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.47    417 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:30.57    417 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.61    417 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:30.71    417 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:30.76    417 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:33.27    420 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:33.32    420 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:35.82    422 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:35.87    422 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:38.37    425 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:38.42    425 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:40.93    427 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:40.97    427 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:43.48    430 > sims | at+cpin?
M07:43.53    430 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M07:46.54    433 > srof | at+cfun=4
M07:46.58 modem: network: aborting connect after 433 seconds (watchdog)
M07:46.59 _log.qo: aborting connect after 433 seconds (watchdog)
M07:46.59    433 < coff | 
M07:46.59 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: idle {disconnected} {registration-failure} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M07:46.59 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {registration-failure} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M07:46.59    433 > gcs2 | at+csq
M07:46.63    433 < gcs2 | OK
M07:46.64    433 < gcs2 | +csq: 99,99
M07:46.64    433 < gcs2 | OK
M07:46.64    433 > csqx | at+qcsq
M07:46.68    433 < csqx | +QCSQ: "NOSERVICE"
M07:46.68    433 < csqx | OK
M07:46.68    433 > uget | at+qgdcnt?
S07:46.70 sync: connect requested by first sync; explicit sync request; TIME; periodic inbound sync due (DATA)
M07:46.73    433 < uget | +QGDCNT: 0,0
M07:46.74    433 < uget | OK
M07:46.74    433 < pdnd | 
M07:46.74    433 > pdne | AT+QPOWD=1
M07:46.78    433 < pdne | OK
M07:46.78    433 < pdne | POWERED DOWN
M07:46.78    433 < poff | 
M07:46.79 modem: wireless: modem now OFF {modem-off}
M07:46.79 modem: **********************************
M07:46.79 modem: active for 439 sec
M07:46.79 modem: **********************************
M07:51.84 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
M07:51.94 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected}
S07:52.27      0 < pow  | 
S07:52.28 modem: 5.10V 28.13C at power-on
S07:52.28 sync: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}
M07:54.54      2 < aftr | heartbeat
S07:56.58 modem: *************** ON ***************
S07:56.58 sync: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M07:57.90      5 < aftr | 
M07:57.90      5 > echo | ate0
M07:57.95      5 < echo | RDY
M07:57.95      0 < pow  | 
M07:57.96 modem: 5.09V 28.13C at power-on
M07:57.96 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}
M07:58.56      0 < aftr | ate0
M07:58.56      0 > echo | ate0
M07:58.61      0 < echo | OK
M07:59.11      1 > isen | at+cfun?
M07:59.16      1 < isen | OK
M07:59.16      1 < isen | +CFUN: 1
M08:01.67      3 > srof | at+cfun=4
M08:01.71      3 < srof | OK
M08:06.73      8 > sron | at+cfun=1
M08:06.77      8 < sron | APP RDY
M08:06.77      8 < sron | OK
M08:06.77      8 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:06.82      8 < sims | OK
M08:06.82      8 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:06.92      8 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:06.97      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.07      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.12      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.22      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.26      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.36      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.41      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.51      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.56      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.66      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.70      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.80      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:07.85      9 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:07.95      9 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.00     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.10     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.15     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.25     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.29     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.39     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.44     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.54     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.59     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.69     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.73     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.83     10 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:08.88     10 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:08.98     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.03     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:09.13     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.17     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:09.27     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.32     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:09.42     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.47     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:09.57     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.61     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:09.72     11 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:09.76     11 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:12.27     14 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:12.32     14 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:14.83     16 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:14.87     16 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:17.38     19 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:17.43     19 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:19.93     21 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:19.98     22 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:22.48     24 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:22.53     24 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:25.54     27 > srof | at+cfun=4
M08:25.59     27 < srof | OK
M08:30.61     32 > sron | at+cfun=1
M08:30.66     32 < sron | OK
M08:30.66     32 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:30.71     32 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:30.81     32 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:30.85     32 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:30.95     32 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.00     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.10     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.15     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.25     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.30     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.40     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.44     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.54     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.59     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.69     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.74     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.84     33 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:31.89     33 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:31.99     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.03     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:32.13     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.28     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.33     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:32.43     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.48     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:32.58     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.62     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:32.72     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.77     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:32.87     34 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:32.92     34 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:33.02     35 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:33.07     35 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:33.17     35 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:33.21     35 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:33.31     35 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:33.36     35 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:33.46     35 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:33.51     35 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:33.61     35 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:33.65     35 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:36.16     38 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:36.21     38 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:38.72     40 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:38.76     40 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:41.27     43 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:41.32     43 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:43.83     45 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:43.87     45 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:46.38     48 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:46.43     48 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:49.44     51 > srof | at+cfun=4
M08:49.49     51 < srof | OK
M08:54.51     56 > sron | at+cfun=1
M08:54.56     56 < sron | OK
M08:54.56     56 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:54.61     56 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:54.71     56 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:54.75     56 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:54.85     56 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:54.90     56 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.00     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.05     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.15     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.19     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.29     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.34     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.44     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.49     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.59     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.64     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.74     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.78     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:55.88     57 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:55.93     57 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.03     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.08     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.18     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.23     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.33     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.37     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.48     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.52     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.62     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.67     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.77     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.82     58 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:56.92     58 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:56.96     59 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:57.06     59 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:57.11     59 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:57.21     59 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:57.26     59 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:57.36     59 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:57.40     59 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M08:57.51     59 > sims | at+cpin?
M08:57.55     59 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:00.06     62 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:00.11     62 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:02.61     64 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:02.66     64 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:05.17     67 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:05.21     67 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:07.72     69 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:07.77     69 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:10.27     72 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:10.32     72 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:13.33     75 > srof | at+cfun=4
M09:13.39     75 < srof | OK
M09:18.40     80 > sron | at+cfun=1
M09:18.45     80 < sron | OK
M09:18.45     80 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:18.50     80 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:18.60     80 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:18.64     80 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:18.74     80 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:18.79     80 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:18.89     80 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:18.94     80 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.04     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.09     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.19     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.23     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.33     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.38     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.48     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.53     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.63     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.67     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.77     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.82     81 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:19.92     81 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:19.97     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.07     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.12     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.22     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.26     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.36     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.41     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.51     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.56     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.66     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.70     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.80     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:20.85     82 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:20.95     82 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:21.00     83 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:21.10     83 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:21.15     83 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:21.25     83 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:21.29     83 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:21.39     83 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:21.44     83 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:23.95     85 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:23.99     86 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:26.50     88 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:26.54     88 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:29.05     91 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:29.10     91 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:31.61     93 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:31.65     93 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:34.16     96 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:34.21     96 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:37.22     99 > srof | at+cfun=4
M09:37.28     99 < srof | OK
M09:42.29    104 > sron | at+cfun=1
M09:42.34    104 < sron | OK
M09:42.34    104 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:42.38    104 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:42.49    104 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:42.53    104 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:42.63    104 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:42.68    104 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:42.78    104 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:42.83    104 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:42.93    104 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:42.97    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.07    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.12    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.22    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.27    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.37    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.42    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.52    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.56    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.66    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.71    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.81    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:43.86    105 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:43.96    105 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.00    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.10    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.15    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.25    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.30    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.40    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.44    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.55    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.59    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.69    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.74    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.84    106 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:44.89    106 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:44.99    107 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:45.03    107 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:45.13    107 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:45.18    107 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:45.28    107 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:45.33    107 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:47.83    109 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:47.88    109 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:50.39    112 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:50.44    112 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:52.94    114 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:52.99    115 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:55.50    117 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:55.54    117 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M09:58.05    120 > sims | at+cpin?
M09:58.10    120 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:01.11    123 > srof | at+cfun=4
M10:01.17    123 < srof | OK
M10:06.18    128 > sron | at+cfun=1
M10:06.23    128 < sron | OK
M10:06.23    128 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:06.28    128 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:06.38    128 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:06.43    128 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:06.53    128 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:06.57    128 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:06.67    128 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:06.72    128 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:06.82    128 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:06.87    128 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:06.97    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.01    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.11    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.16    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.26    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.31    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.41    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.45    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.55    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.60    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.70    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.75    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.85    129 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:07.89    129 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:07.99    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.04    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:08.14    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.29    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.33    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:08.48    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:08.58    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.63    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:08.73    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.78    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:08.88    130 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:08.92    130 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:09.02    131 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:09.07    131 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:09.17    131 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:09.22    131 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:11.73    133 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:11.77    133 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:14.28    136 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:14.33    136 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:16.83    138 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:16.88    138 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:19.39    141 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:19.44    141 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:21.94    143 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:21.99    144 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:25.00    147 > srof | at+cfun=4
M10:25.06    147 < srof | OK
M10:30.07    152 > sron | at+cfun=1
M10:30.12    152 < sron | OK
M10:30.12    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.17    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:30.27    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.31    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:30.41    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.46    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:30.56    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.61    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:30.71    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.75    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:30.85    152 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:30.90    152 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.00    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.05    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.15    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.19    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.29    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.34    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.44    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.49    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.59    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.63    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.73    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.78    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:31.88    153 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:31.93    153 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.03    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.07    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.17    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.22    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.32    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.37    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.47    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.52    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.62    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.66    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.76    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.81    154 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:32.91    154 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:32.96    155 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:33.06    155 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:33.11    155 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:35.62    157 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:35.66    157 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:38.17    160 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:38.22    160 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:40.73    162 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:40.77    162 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:43.28    165 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:43.33    165 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:45.83    167 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:45.88    167 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:48.89    170 > srof | at+cfun=4
M10:48.94    170 < srof | OK
M10:53.96    176 > sron | at+cfun=1
M10:54.01    176 < sron | OK
M10:54.01    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.05    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.16    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.20    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.30    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.35    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.45    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.50    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.60    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.64    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.74    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.79    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:54.89    176 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:54.94    176 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.04    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.08    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.19    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.23    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.33    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.38    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.48    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.53    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.63    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.67    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.77    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.82    177 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:55.92    177 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:55.97    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.07    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.11    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.21    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.26    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.36    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.41    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.51    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.56    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.66    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.71    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.81    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:56.85    178 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:56.95    178 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:57.00    179 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M10:59.51    181 > sims | at+cpin?
M10:59.56    181 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:02.06    184 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:02.11    184 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:04.62    186 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:04.67    186 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:07.17    189 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:07.22    189 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:09.73    191 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:09.77    191 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:12.78    194 > srof | at+cfun=4
M11:12.84    194 < srof | OK
M11:17.86    199 > sron | at+cfun=1
M11:17.95    199 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.05    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.10    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.20    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.25    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.35    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.39    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.49    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.54    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.64    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.69    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.79    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.83    200 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:18.94    200 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:18.98    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.08    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.13    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.23    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.27    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.38    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.42    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.52    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.57    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.67    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.72    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.82    201 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:19.86    201 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:19.97    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.01    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.11    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.16    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.26    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.31    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.41    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.46    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.56    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.60    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.70    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.75    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:20.85    202 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:20.90    202 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:23.40    205 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:23.45    205 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:25.96    207 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:26.00    208 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:28.51    210 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:28.56    210 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:31.06    213 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:31.11    213 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:33.62    215 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:33.66    215 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:36.67    218 > srof | at+cfun=4
M11:36.73    218 < srof | OK
M11:41.74    223 > sron | at+cfun=1
M11:41.79    223 < sron | OK
M11:41.79    223 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:41.84    223 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:41.94    223 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:41.99    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.09    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.13    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.23    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.28    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.38    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.43    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.53    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.58    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.68    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.72    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.82    224 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:42.87    224 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:42.97    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.02    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.12    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.17    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.27    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.31    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.41    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.46    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.56    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.61    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.71    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.75    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:43.86    225 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:43.90    225 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.00    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.05    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.15    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.20    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.30    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.34    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.44    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.49    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.59    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.64    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:44.74    226 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:44.79    226 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:47.29    229 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:47.34    229 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:49.85    231 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:49.89    231 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:52.40    234 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:52.45    234 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:54.96    236 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:55.00    237 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M11:57.51    239 > sims | at+cpin?
M11:57.56    239 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:00.57    242 > srof | at+cfun=4
M12:00.62    242 < srof | OK
M12:05.64    247 > sron | at+cfun=1
M12:05.69    247 < sron | OK
M12:05.69    247 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:05.73    247 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:05.83    247 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:05.88    247 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:05.98    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.03    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.13    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.17    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.28    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.32    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.42    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.47    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.57    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.61    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.71    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.76    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:06.86    248 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:06.91    248 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.01    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.06    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.16    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.20    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.30    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.35    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.45    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.50    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.60    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.64    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.74    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.79    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:07.89    249 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:07.94    249 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:08.04    250 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:08.09    250 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:08.19    250 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:08.23    250 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:08.33    250 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:08.38    250 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:08.48    250 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:08.53    250 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:08.63    250 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:08.68    250 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:11.18    253 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:11.23    253 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:13.74    255 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:13.78    255 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:16.29    258 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:16.34    258 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:18.85    260 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:18.89    260 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:21.40    263 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:21.45    263 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:24.46    266 > srof | at+cfun=4
M12:24.52    266 < srof | OK
> {"req":"hub.sync"}

M12:29.53    271 > sron | at+cfun=1
M12:29.58    271 < sron | OK
M12:29.58    271 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:29.63    271 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:29.73    271 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:29.77    271 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:29.87    271 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:29.92    271 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.02    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.07    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.17    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.22    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.32    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.36    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.46    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.51    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.61    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.66    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.76    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.80    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:30.90    272 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:30.95    272 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.05    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.10    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.20    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.25    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.35    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.39    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.49    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.54    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.64    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.69    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.79    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.83    273 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:31.93    273 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:31.98    274 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:32.08    274 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:32.23    274 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:32.28    274 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:32.38    274 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:32.42    274 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:32.52    274 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:32.57    274 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:35.08    277 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:35.12    277 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:37.63    279 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:37.68    279 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:40.19    282 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:40.23    282 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
M12:42.74    284 > sims | at+cpin?
M12:42.79    284 < sims | +CME ERROR: 13
> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"off"}


Hi @Shankar,

I apologize, but I wasn’t specific enough with the version of the firmware you should update to. Can you please update to the LTS 4.2.1 firmware and then send me the output of a new card.wireless request?


Here is the status.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":4,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-4.2.1","ver_major":4,"ver_minor":2,"ver_patch":1,"ver_build":4015688,"built":"Feb 24 2023 11:48:13"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {“req”:“card.wireless”,“apn”:“airtelgprs.com”}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":7}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":58}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":82}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":109}

Here is the log with the sync trace. I have been trying to sync for more than 20 days, and I need to complete the project by April 20. Can you please help me to sort it out?

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":4,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-4.2.1","ver_major":4,"ver_minor":2,"ver_patch":1,"ver_build":4015688,"built":"Feb 24 2023 11:48:13"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {“req”:“card.wireless”,“apn”:“airtelgprs.com”}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":7}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":58}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":82}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":109}
> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"on"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}

~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"on"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req":"card.trace","mode":"on"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}

M07:46.34 modem: network: aborting connect after 433 seconds (watchdog)
M07:46.34 _log.qo: aborting connect after 433 seconds (watchdog)
M07:46.34 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: idle {disconnected} {registration-failure} {network}{extended-network-failure}
M07:46.34 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected} {registration-failure} {network}{extended-network-failure}
S07:46.41 sync: connect requested by first sync; explicit sync request; TIME; periodic inbound sync due (DATA)
M07:46.49 _log.qo: modem: powered down
M07:46.54 modem: wireless: modem now OFF {modem-off}
M07:46.54 modem: **********************************
M07:46.54 modem: active for 438 sec
M07:46.54 modem: **********************************
M07:51.59 sync: wakeup: modem shutdown
M07:51.69 modem: wireless: idle {disconnected}
S07:51.99 modem: 5.16V 28.69C at power-on
S07:51.99 sync: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}
S07:56.30 modem: *************** ON ***************
S07:56.30 sync: wireless: modem now ON using external SIM {modem-on}
M07:57.65 modem: 5.15V 28.69C at power-on
M07:57.65 modem: wireless: starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}
M07:58.85 _log.qo: modem: powered up in data mode
G08:23.66 accel: movements:2 free-falls:0 5s:1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
G08:24.04 accel: movements:4 free-falls:0 5s:3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
> {"req":"hub.sync"}

> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":819}

Hi @Shankar,

Thanks for your patience on this. We’d like to get a new Notecarrier-F board out to you ASAP in case this is a hardware defect issue (which it appears it may be based on the info we have). I’ll create the order now.


Hey @RobLauer , received the new board. I was again trying to make a sync attempt. Here is the log for the same.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:867730051259608 (NOTE-NBGL-500) running firmware
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":4,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-4.2.1","ver_major":4,"ver_minor":2,"ver_patch":1,"ver_build":4015688,"built":"Feb 24 2023 11:48:13"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {“req”:“card.wireless”,“apn”:“airtelgprs.com”}

> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":517}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":523}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":589}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":634}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":730}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}","sync":true,"requested":793}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
{"status":"modem now OFF {modem-off}","sync":true,"requested":841}

Hmmm…please post the response from a card.wireless call without the apn argument.

Here is the log. Thanks.

> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "status": "starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}",
 "sync": true,
 "requested": 4
> {"req":"card.wireless"}
 "status": "{modem-on}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520578421",
  "imsi": "310170852057842",
  "imei": "867730051259608",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.006.01.006"
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "status": "starting communications {wait-module} {connecting}",
 "sync": true,
 "requested": 172

Thanks. I’m concerned that your Notecard is still not looking for the external SIM. You should see iccid_external and imsi_external numbers show up in the response to a card.wireless request which are the iccid and imsi of the external SIM. See my examples here:

> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"super"}
 "apn": "super",
 "status": "{modem-on}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520617047",
  "imsi": "310170852061704",
  "imei": "864475041085845",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.004.01.004"
> {"req":"card.wireless"}
 "apn": "super",
 "status": "{modem-on}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520617047",
  "iccid_external": "89883070000019478716",
  "imsi": "310170852061704",
  "imsi_external": "234103519027205",
  "imei": "864475041085845",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.004.01.004"

Next step: please issue the following two requests, one after the other, to mimic what I did above. But FIRST, please remove and re-insert the SIM card just to make sure there isn’t something strange about how the SIM was seated:

# and then

Hey, I tried using 2/3 different Airtel sim cards. But I couldn’t able to see those 2 commands. Any leads from here? Thank you!

> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:pigs"}
> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"airtelgprs.com"}
 "apn": "airtelgprs.com",
 "status": "{modem-on}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520578421",
  "imsi": "310170852057842",
  "imei": "867730051259608",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.006.01.006"
> {"req":"card.wireless"}
 "apn": "airtelgprs.com",
 "status": "{modem-on}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520578421",
  "imsi": "310170852057842",
  "imei": "867730051259608",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.006.01.006"

Hey @RobLauer, somehow managed to get the commands that you mentioned by changing the sim card. The results show that modem is turned off. Any leads from here? Thanks for the support. Kindly ignore the previous reply.

 "apn": "airtelgprs.com",
 "status": "{modem-off}",
 "mode": "auto",
 "count": 4,
 "net": {
  "iccid": "89011703278520578421",
  "iccid_external": "8991000903657744154",
  "imsi": "310170852057842",
  "imsi_external": "404400971649471",
  "imei": "867730051259608",
  "modem": "BG95M3LAR02A03_01.006.01.006",
  "band": "GSM 1800",
  "rat": "gsm",
  "rssir": -57,
  "rssi": -57,
  "sinr": -20,
  "bars": 4,
  "mcc": 404,
  "mnc": 40,
  "lac": 7024,
  "cid": 10271,
  "updated": 1681878860
~ Each multi-line request object is sent on one line to conform to NDJSON.
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "status": "idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}",
 "time": 1681883397,
 "sync": true,
 "completed": 2
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "status": "idle {disconnected} {network}{extended-network-failure}",
 "time": 1681883397,
 "sync": true,
 "completed": 5

This is a good sign - it shows that the Notecard is using the external SIM! And this shows that your cellular connection, while on GSM, is still decent.

If you’re still not seeing the device show up in Notehub, try issuing this command (it will remove the Notecard from a network registration penalty box):

{"req": "hub.sync", "allow": true}

Also, feel free to send another trace log now that you’re using the external SIM properly.


When tried to reconnect with the same sim card, I wasn’t able to see the details inside net{} and the device is not showing up in Notehub after trying out the command. Any quicker response is appreciable. Thank you.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the 'help' command.)
~ Connected to serial
G10:50.58 {"id":2000000000,"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":4,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-4.2.1","ver_major":4,"ver_minor":2,"ver_patch":1,"ver_build":4015688,"built":"Feb 24 2023 11:48:13"}}
> {"req":"card.version"}
{"version":"notecard-","device":"dev:867730051259608","name":"Blues Wireless Notecard","sku":"NOTE-NBGL-500","board":"1.11","api":4,"body":{"org":"Blues Wireless","product":"Notecard","version":"notecard-4.2.1","ver_major":4,"ver_minor":2,"ver_patch":1,"ver_build":4015688,"built":"Feb 24 2023 11:48:13"}}
> {"req":"hub.set", "product":"com.gmail.sanjay16shankar:respiratory_infections_in_pigs"}
> {"req":"card.wireless","apn":"airtelgprs.com"}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req": "hub.sync", "allow": true}
> {"req":"hub.sync"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
> {"req": "hub.sync", "allow": true}