Firmware upgrade bug from to with Notecarrier A

I’m documenting either a bug, or perhaps this is in the documentation, which I haven’t found yet.

I upgraded the firmware on a Notecarrier A (with Notecard NOTE-WBNA-500) using OTA DFU with Notehub protocal

The firmware upgrade worked except for the fact that the Notecarrier failed to see the attached BME280 sensor giving only the following output

> {"req": "card.aux"}
 "mode": "track",

To resolve this issue, I had to set the Notecarrier back to the default configuration. Only then, was the BME280 sensor read correctly.
Here is that reset with the correct responses:

> {"req": "card.restore", "delete": true}

> {"req": "hub.set", "product": "", "mode": "periodic"}

> {"req": "hub.sync"}

> {"req": "hub.get"}

> {"req": "card.voltage", "usb": true, "alert": true, "sync": true}

> {"req": "card.location.mode", "mode": "periodic", "seconds": 1800}

> {"req": "card.location.track", "start": true, "heartbeat": true, "hours": 1, "sync": true}

> {"req": "card.aux", "mode": "track"}

> {"req": "card.aux"}

This configuration is also documented here

Thanks @johnedstone for such a well-documented report! I am going to try and reproduce this today and will get back to you ASAP.


Hi @johnedstone,

Well, fortunately/unfortunately I was not able to replicate this bug. I took a WBNA Notecard, performed a factory reset on it, changed the firmware to LTS 5.1.1, and then followed the commands you issued. I upgraded firmware to LTS 6.2.5 and then issued a card.aux request and it recognized the BME 280 immediately:

> {"req": "card.aux"}
 "mode": "track",
 "temperature": 25.214234621723882,
 "pressure": 98802.08661858845,
 "humidity": 44.329888230843586
> bootloader
~ Disconnected from serial
Hint: Disconnected terminal for firmware update
~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:868050045745425 (NOTE-WBNA-500) running firmware
> {"req": "card.aux"}
 "mode": "track",
 "temperature": 25.25117800091054,
 "pressure": 98802.83204919081,
 "humidity": 44.77338853168267

I’m struggling to think of what else may have happened. Any power cycling of the device at any stage?


  • thanks for walking through this, “end-to-end”
  • no, no power issues during the upgrade
  • I’m actually glad you had no problem, and that it worked as expected, as this means that
    • maybe this was a “one off”, and that if I had a “fleet” of them it wouldn’t really be an issue.

We can put this “case” aside for awhile, and if no one else ever an issue, well, no problem.
Thanks again.

I would like to append a thought here.

It is possible that when I brought the device in to the shop to upgrade the firmware, that I might have switch the IC2 Qwiik to the other port, than it was initially plugged into when the device was configured.

It appears from some brief testing that when you issue the command {"req": "card.aux", "mode": "track"} that it is specific to the hardware address where the Adafruit BME 280 is plugged into. I can’t confirm this, but on another board recently, I noticed that it was specific to the original port when the configuration was made. Hope this makes sense. So then, it is not really a bug, just my lack of understanding.