I’m documenting either a bug, or perhaps this is in the documentation, which I haven’t found yet.
I upgraded the firmware on a Notecarrier A (with Notecard NOTE-WBNA-500) using OTA DFU with Notehub protocal
The firmware upgrade worked except for the fact that the Notecarrier failed to see the attached BME280 sensor giving only the following output
> {"req": "card.aux"}
"mode": "track",
To resolve this issue, I had to set the Notecarrier back to the default configuration. Only then, was the BME280 sensor read correctly.
Here is that reset with the correct responses:
> {"req": "card.restore", "delete": true}
> {"req": "hub.set", "product": "com.gmail.xxxx", "mode": "periodic"}
> {"req": "hub.sync"}
> {"req": "hub.get"}
> {"req": "card.voltage", "usb": true, "alert": true, "sync": true}
> {"req": "card.location.mode", "mode": "periodic", "seconds": 1800}
> {"req": "card.location.track", "start": true, "heartbeat": true, "hours": 1, "sync": true}
> {"req": "card.aux", "mode": "track"}
> {"req": "card.aux"}
This configuration is also documented here