How do I configure CoolTerm to communicate with Notecard?

CoolTerm is an app that can be used as a serial terminal to send requests and view responses from Notecard. It has versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux (

Configure Serial Port

  1. Click the Options button in the CoolTerm tool strip

  2. Select Serial port from the list of configuration options on the left-hand side

  3. Select the serial port on your laptop that is connected to Notecard

  4. Set the Baudrate based on which connection being used on the Notecard

Connection Speed Selection
USB 9600
RX/TX 9600
AUX RX/TX 115200
  1. Ensure the other attributes are configured as follows
Name Value
Data 8 bit
Parity none
Stop bits 1 bit
Flow control all checkboxes disabled
  1. Click OK button (or move onto Configure Terminal section)

Configure Terminal

  1. Click the Options button in the CoolTerm tool strip (if you are not already in the configuration dialog)

  2. Select Terminal from the list of configuration options on the left-hand side

  3. Apply the following settings:

Name Value
Terminal Mode Line Mode
Enter Key Emulation CR+LF
Local Echo enabled
  1. Click OK button

Send Requests to Notecard

  1. Click Connect button on CoolTerm toolstrip

  2. Input JSON string for Notecard request in the edit box at the bottom of the terminal window.

Enable Logging (for debug and support)

CoolTerm can log terminal messages to a file, which is helpful when you want to grab information for support from Blues or on this forum.

  1. Select Connection --> Capture to Textfile --> Start... from the CoolTerm menu bar

  2. Set the name of the file that stores the log.

  3. Click Save button

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