IIS3DWB accelerometer with SWAN


Can someone help to run this code for STM32L476 on SWAN?


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I am using the same accelerometer with the swan as you are, except I was not able to get that library to work. Just wanted to offer an alternative – I used this library instead: GitHub - stm32duino/ISM330DHCX: Arduino library to support the ISM330DHCX 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope

Except I ignored the gyroscope part.


Thanks! This library works also for IIS3DWB?

Yes, I got this library to work with the STEVAL-MKI208V1K iNemo Inertial Module Kit that has a pre-mounted IIS3DWB accelerometer.

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That is also my setup. I want to use it for structural health monitoring. Can we discuss it? My email is: iarakis@kaixo.com


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