Is it possible to update Host firmware through Notecard cellular AS A TIME BOUND EVENT

Hi, I have a Notecard Cell+Wifi (NOTE-NBNA) running firmware on a Carrier A.
I wanted to update Host firmware, Is there a way to Sync and download host image soon after requested on Notehub?

I am using dfu-tutorials/esp32/esp32-dfu-v1.1.1.1, where it is done in a poll mode, it works, but when I change to new version of host firmware, it is still in status: “successful firmware update” mode: “completed”, instead of initiating new update.

I want to do it soon after I update a binary and request for update on Notehub in a time bound manner. Please help.

Hi @Raju and welcome to the Blues community!

If you want to update host firmware ASAP, your best bet is to leave your Notecard in continuous mode with the "sync":true argument that will effectively notify the Notecard that there is a DFU to perform within seconds:

  "req": "hub.set",
  "mode": "continuous",
  "sync": true

It worked with card.restore.

But, I have route failure then on with following error:
{“status”:500,“message”:“RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String "//"”,“errorCode”:2,“timestamp”:1729553590666,“subscriptionErrorCode”:null,“subscriptionEntry”:null,“subscriptionValue”:null}
