Multiple session.qo when sending an hub.sync request

Hi, when sending a “hub.sync” request I always get 3 session.qo events in a 5 seconds interval. The session seems to open then close 2 seconds after and reopens 3 seconds afterwards. I don’t see the reason for this happening since I only send one “hub.sync” request.

Hi @ouaibeer,

It’s likely because the Notecard is using a service to find “handlers” that facilitate the secure transfer of Notes with Notehub. This should only happen when the Notecard is first powered on though (or rebooted). Are you seeing them more frequently than that?


Hi @RobLauer,

In my project I’m cutting the power off the Notecard and power it again everytime I send measurements (I’m using it in dataloggers) so I guess it makes sense that I see these everytime.

I do this in order to save battery but I would be interested to know if there is a way to consume as little battery without powering the Notecard off and on everytime.

Oh yeah, definitely don’t do that :slight_smile:. The Notecard was built to operate in a low-power manner (depending on the specific Notecard you are using, they idle at ~8-12uA). So if it’s in periodic or minimum mode and not transmitting, it’s hardly sipping anything. In fact, you’ll likely use more power by powering it on repeatedly!
