Same Note is sent from Notecard to Notehub 5-6 times

Sometimes, the exact same Note is sent from the Notecard to Notehub 5-6 times. When monitoring things from my Host MCU, I make the note.add request only once, so there should only be 1 Note sent. How can I fix this issue?

If it matters,

  • Notecard WiFi 1.2
  • firmware version
  • continuous mode
  • note.add request has sync:true
  • Note is not from an applied template


Can you tell us a little bit more about your application? I’m wondering if you can see this same pattern if you communicate directly (no host) to the Notecard over serial (usb) and perform the same request.


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I didn’t see this behavior when communicating directly to the Notecard.

My application basically waits for an inbound Note (more specifically a message with the body send:true in the data.qi file) that asks for a message to be sent to Notehub, and then the host MCU sends a note.add request with sync:true. The inbound Note is detected by an ATTN pin and the Notecard is in continuous mode with sync:true.

If it matters, the host MCU often makes card.time requests to retrieve the current time, but they often fail (as in the time field is not found in the returned response).

Hi @yunzheng,

I’m curious, can you compare the event IDs for each “duplicate”? If you inspect the full JSON of each event, you can see the id, e.g. "event": "0ec020f7-672c-4da2-9d87-9eb718572254",.


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One wave of 6 event IDs:

  • ccd13d04-4ecd-8f4b-ace0-77602939d4b6
  • 8630ad85-e9ff-86b1-af0a-ff9bf053690f
  • db9ddad0-9de0-8bc8-946b-957047af0fad
  • 664da1a4-77bc-86f3-b295-376f8ca545a8
  • 505b5664-a7ce-8c62-8490-e64972342811
  • fffcb830-841a-8a29-afe4-475acb700fdf

Ok they are all distinct events. Can you look at the when, received, and session values (which will show you “when” the data was saved to the Notecard and when it was “received” by Notehub…and also the session value which is the unique session id).

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All of them have different when and received values, but they all have the same session value.

This is a bit of a reach but does it have anything to do with the DFU state being “Completed” vs “Idle” as described here? The Notecard currently has a “Completed” DFU state.

The fact that they have unique event IDs and unique when values tells me they are distinct events. How far apart are the when values? This will at least tell you how frequently your host is creating these Notes.

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