DFU States: completed vs idle and Potential Impact on Device Behavior


I have a question about the difference between the “completed” and “idle” DFU states and whether staying in the “completed” state could cause potential issues with device performance or connectivity.

I have two identical setups, both are pilots in the field, running the same firmware and identical configurations and environment variables. They are Cell + WiFi Notecards, running Notecard firmware version However, one device frequently goes offline, while the other remains stable. The only difference I’ve found so far is their DFU update status (note: I disabled DFU updates earlier this year to enable serial communication with the Notecard, and I’m not concerned with reenabling DFU functionality at the moment):

  • Device 1: Has been in the “idle” host firmware state and operates without issues.
  • Device 2: Has been in the “completed” host firmware state and has been experiencing frequent connection issues, despite excellent RSSI and successful data uploads when online. A power reset temporarily resolves the issue.

This is also outdated firmware that is not running on the mcus. The firmware was updated several times via USB and bootloader mode after this initial OTA DFU experimentation.

So, my main questions are:

  1. Could the completed state negatively affect connectivity, or is it likely something else?
  2. Is there a way to force (ideally remotely) a Notecard stuck in the completed state to transition back to idle?

Thank you so much! Let me know if I should provide any additional details.

All the best,

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I think I have the same problem and I posted about it here