We have a new airnote (dev:863740067197803) that appears functional and is reporting data to notehub.io. However, we cannot configure this unit to adjust settings (such as sampling time, contact info, etc). When scanning the QR code, we see "Unauthorized
It appears you do not have permission to edit settings, just view. If you believe you are receiving this message in error…’ message. Can someone propose a workaround?
Hey @rickpeltier,
Sorry you ran into issues here. I just tried changing my Airnote’s settings and was able to successfully, so I’m not sure what’s up here.
Are you seeing this error directly after scanning the QR code on a phone? The only thing I can think of is maybe you lost some of the information in the URL, like maybe when sharing the URL from one device to another?
But if you’re seeing this error directly after scanning on a phone I’ll try to think of other things that might’ve caused this.
Yeah, we’ve tried scanning multiple times with multiple devices (happy to send you the full QR code link by email with the PIN if it would help). We have more than 100 airnotes, but I do think we’ve encountered this before and need to get it resolved - and agree, the config link for other airnotes work just fine. We install these things in fairly remote locations so we usually don’t have access to them once they’re in the wild.
@rickpeltier Yeah that’s really weird. Can you email me (tvantoll@blues.com) or DM me the link so we can take a look.