Have an airnote that ran in the field for about 2 months, then stopped in mid November. LCD screen blank on power up, red led fast blinking on notecard, and USB rapidly connects then disconnects so in-browser terminal can’t be used to diagnose or send commands. Any suggestions for a full reset? dev 863740067189800.
Very strange - I thought I had published this response before I left on holiday, but I guess not. Anyway, it is not a battery or charge issue - the batteries hold a charge and the solar panel delivers expected voltage (around 4.0v). We have roughly 100 airnotes in operation. We continue to see a cycle of red LED blinking ~15 times over ~2 seconds, and appears that successive blinks are shorter in duration than the previous. One cycle coincides with a connect and then disconnect sequence on the USB port. Are there any firmware resets that can be pushed (either locally or from the notehub project)?
We’ve tried that but because it is rapidly connecting/disconnecting from the USB port, we can’t connect to the web interface in time. Even if we were able to establish a connection, it immediately drops. We have seen this behavior from at least one notecard in prior versions (rapidly red LED, no connection, dead unit). Unfortunately, I don’t have any known-working notecards on hand to swap in for testing. Was hoping there was a workaround to hard-reset the notecard to get these back online.
I had a chat with Ray Ozzie (the “father” of the Notecard) and he mentioned that if it still reboots with no battery and with the USB, the unit should be returned for analysis & repair.