AirNote hardware problems?

I have likely an early AirNote as I got it through the AirNote video contest.

Recently I noticed that the temperature readings stopped working and are stuck at -40.
I noticed it went dead recently and charged it. Now it seems to be draining continuously with no evidence the solar panel is recharging it.

Link to my AirNote

It is possible the solder joints are getting corroded by proximity to ocean air- they look dull here.

Would appreciate any help troubleshooting further as it’s been a good unit for me and a conversation starter with friends (yeah I like to talk about air quality).


I checked the data from your device, and I was wondering about the history of it. The device seems to not charge for a while and then suddenly it is charging. Did you reset the device often?

Would it be possible for you to take detailed pictures of the inner “work” of the airnote?

Rob Oudendijk


I also noticed that both temperature and humidity are not showing. For me, an indication that the BME sensor is not readable (often seems to be I2C issues).

The unit get a lot of sun?

Rob Oudendijk

Hi Rob,
Thanks for your reply!

I don’t reset the device. I only turn it off when I have to bring it in and charge it.
I did this before vacation and when I came back it was dead. Now it’s charged again but draining.

It gets significant sun in this season as it faces south. In the winter it gets shaded by surrounding buildings so the solar panel isn’t sufficient to keep it charged.

I can take pictures of it later.

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Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
Indeed, your place is very humid and probably salty air.

Rob Oudendijk

Looking at 1 year of charging data if you move the mouse left and right you can see that even in the winter there is both 0 and 1 to indicate charging/not charging. Recently there is only 0.



Yes, looks bad. Maybe best to send to me in Nara, so I can clean it up for you and test it.
Since you seem to be located in Japan, you can send it COD by Yubin or Kuroneko. Let me know if you want to do that and I can send you my adrress.


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Hi Rob,
Thanks for looking. I am in Japan and would like to send it to you. Is there a private message function here?


I did send you a private message on this board.
