No data on device dashboard


I’ve entered some tickets for the dev team to prioritize in their future work re: displaying Airnote PM data in the devices page.

In the meantime, a solution you might find useful for the CSV is that in the “Events” page now, you can download a CSV of events for a device (or set of devices) with just particular fields selected.

For instance, you can enter the list of devices in the “Filter Events” input at the top of the page, then click the “Export” button, select the fields you’d like to export in the modal (PM1, PM2.5, PM10, etc.), select the export format “CSV”, and export all related events. (Screenshot attached to illustrate)

Hopefully this helps.

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Thank you for showing. I did you that option before.
But I could not find the PM2.5 data in the CSV file.

Seems I exported from the devices page. Not from the event page.
When exporting from the event page, I can see the data. But just need the latest PM2.5 data from each device. I will research a bit more. Maybe just the right filtering.


Thanks for clarifying, Rob.

I checked with the team to see if that’s something the filtering can help you achieve, but it appears we don’t support that sort of functionality in the UI across devices yet.

One person suggested the following scripted solution:

  1. Archived Airnote data is available at in json format.
  2. Use jq to reshape the json to any format, stripping it down to device id / sn / PM
  3. Then have jq output cleanly as a csv

I’ve put a ticket into the backlog to try and tackle this soon, but if you have time to take a stab at it before I get to it, please feel free. (I’ve found ChatGPT to be very helpful in these sorts of situations, myself).
