Purchase a Cellular Notecard?

Hi, seems the Blues Store is not letting me purchase a newish Wideband (LTE Cat 1) Notecard (not the legacy.) When can I do this?


Hi @drewcssv,

We are hoping to launch the new (black) Notecard Cellular models by the end of Q2. Stay tuned!


Looking forward to seeing the black one.

Rob Oudendijk

Will the pricing for each of the new models be announced before the official launch?


Not likely - only because I wouldn’t want to put any tentative pricing out there that may change.

Thanks for the update! What would you suggest as an interim strategy for moving forward with additional NoteCards? I don’t want to buy cards that will be discontinued soon or contain features I don’t need (ie WiFi)…ideas?

Hey @drewcssv we have no plans at this time to discontinue the legacy (green) Notecards and will sell them (if even at an MOQ) for as long as our customers need them for their designs. You’ll find that our new Black Notecards will come in a few bucks cheaper than all of their green variants, and we expect that to be a compelling reason for many customers to switch, but we also recognize that people will also want to test out these products in parallel for a while before making a complete switch.

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