Code on display

I am reviving an old airnote and do get (after the counting at startup goes up from 5 to about 21 a) an error code of -100 and the :CL.

Wondering if there is a document online with all the error codes of the Airnote?

Warm regards,
Rob Oudendijk

Hi @robouden,

Here are the self-test steps taken when an Airnote is powered on:

Power-on begins self-test:
5 seconds of all segments
  LOBAT +1.8 (colon and dot) 8.8  
device ID scrolling horizontally
air particle counter down-count (5->1 if air sensor)
if failure, a negative status code is displayed
    -1xx BME280 OK
    -2xx BME280 temperature failure
    -3xx BME280 humidity failure
    -4xx BME280 pressure failure
    -5xx BME280 general failure
    -x0x Air Particle Counter not detected
    -x1x Air Particle Counter OK
    -999 Airnote Configuration Error
if success
   Device Identifier (same as on QR code label) is scrolled-by
   "Go" is displayed, indicating success

So a -100 means the BME280 was found ok, but the Air Particle Counter (PMS7003M) was not detected.

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Thanks, I will check a bit more and report back.
BTW, is there a document for the error code online?

Warm regards,
Rob Oudendijk


Checked a lot more and seem the notecard itself has issues. I tested it with another notecard I have, and the modem connects fine. Attached is the log file.

notecard_2023-05-24T08_02_34.log (3.7 KB)

Hi @robouden,

Can you try removing and re-seating the Notecard? Though if you’re telling me that it isn’t working in the Airnote nor in a Notecarrier it sounds like it has a bigger problem. Just to clarify, you aren’t using an external SIM with this, correct?


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Not using an external SIM. I tried, but no luck.
Seems the airnote has two issues. One is the notecard has not deviceUID and one is a probably broken PMS.

Working on troubleshooting with Ray.

Rob Oudendijk

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