Notecarrier A available without 22 pin header installed?

Is it possible to get the Notecarrier A without the 22 pin header installed?
i.e. to allow the Notecarrier to be installed onto a carrier/base PCB (I’ve done this with the Notecarrier AE)?


Hi @ndavey,

Unfortunately a header-less version of the Notecarrier-A is not available today. However, we are looking into options as we would like to offer both variants in the near future. I’ll be sure to update this thread when I have more info!


Nice… Thanks @RobLauer

@RobLauer We also would prefer the AL without header, because the header is on the wrong side for production. Plugging the AL into a main board means the electronics and antenna are facing the main board instead of facing outwards.

However all the features of AL are perfect for our application, just the header is a problem.

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Thanks for the input @paulo. Sharing your interest in this variant helps, and we’re currently discussing when and how we can have this option available in the store. Stay tuned.