Hi guys,
Looking through some recent notes from my Notecard I discovered this one which grabbed my attention.
"_log.qo": {
"event": "cfc6fec8-b6a4-45ef-bfd8-27093cda0a92",
"when": 1704866572,
"file": "_log.qo",
"body": {
"text": "penalty: moved to penalty box for 15.0 min"
Is there any way to actually identify the cause of the move to the penalty box, why is it not logged with the message ? Your documentation lists at least four possible reasons… I dont have physical access to the unit which is up on the mountains so any and all remote diagnostics are helpful. Signal strength is showing 3 bars of 4.
Hi @ssozonoff,
This is a good point, that the log text doesn’t really expose the reasoning behind the penalty box status. There is a separate API for querying the status of the penalty box though, the card.wireless.penalty API.
I’ll run this past the team though to see if adding more details to the log is feasible!
Thanks for having a look, would just be a little more intuitive to log the reason when you log the message rather than having us go fish for it 
FYI - it turns out that the log message you see here is likely the only type of penalty box that does NOT include the reason in the log! The one you reported is a network registration penalty box. The other penalty boxes (like power related, GPS related, etc) include information in the log file.
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