I just set up a cellualr note card with Starnote as fallback. Following the example provided I was able to get the cellular card sendata thru route I set up.
After adding the starnote card, I see on my dashboard “two devices” , but nowhere within the settings do i see a reference to the starnote card as a second device.
additonally any synced data( which i assume is being transmitted) , is not showing on website or my route.
do I need to add the starnote somewhere to appear or use the route the celluar card is using ?
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Hey @stewartm,
And welcome to the Blues community!
After adding the starnote card, I see on my dashboard “two devices” , but nowhere within the settings do i see a reference to the starnote card as a second device.
The Starnote is not a separate device and will not show up as a second device in Notehub. By chance have you used multiple Notecards on this Notehub project at different times?
additonally any synced data( which i assume is being transmitted) , is not showing on website or my route.
do I need to add the starnote somewhere to appear or use the route the celluar card is using ?
If you don’t see the data in Notehub then it is probably not being transmitted. If you run the steps in the quickstart with trace mode on (see Starnote Quickstart - Blues Developers), you should be able to verify whether data is being sent or not.
You shouldn’t have to do anything different to route data that Starnote transmits.
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