Decoding Device Health boot messages

At the bottom of the NoteHub Device Summary page there is a Device Health section where I see boot events coupled with different numerical values:

boot (brown-out & hard reset [2013856])
boot (brown-out & hard reset [13807])
boot (brown-out & hard reset [12200])
boot (hardfault [2013856] [5.0] G:P:W~ M:P:W900 U:W0 R:P:W~ S:Ps:NSdsw:DSWupload-notebox:merge notebox:XR5 T I:HN:get notification)

I’m having trouble to figure out how to decipher these messages and I’d appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.


Great question - and you’re right, these aren’t very clear (we will soon do a better job of documenting these!). In the meantime:

boot (brown-out & hard reset [2013856])

:point_up: This means your Notecard was power cycled for some reason and the number in the brackets is the build number of the firmware you are using.

boot (hardfault [2013856] [5.0] G:P:W~ M:P:W900 U:W0 R:P:W~ S:Ps:NSdsw:DSWupload-notebox:merge notebox:XR5 T I:HN:get notification)

This one is a little more complicated. In this case, it appears the Notecard encountered a hard fault while performing a merge of Notefile data. More recent versions of the firmware do a better job of reporting the source of the error actually.


Thanks a lot! Super helpful.

Hi Rob,

I am encountering some of these hardfaults myself and I am wondering where I can find the reporting of the source of the error you are talking about? I am on the most recent firmware.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

We don’t have that “decoding” documented anywhere (but yes we should). If you want to paste the specific hard fault string you’re seeing I can check around internally for help.


Ah I see. Thank you. I think the above response explains most of it but I think the end of the hardfault messages I am unsure of:

boot (hardfault [16520] [4.0] G:Gp:W~ M:Mp:W900 U:W0 R:Rp:W~ S:Spc T I:W300 W X Y)