The hardware: Swan - note carrier A - cellular card - programed with arduino.
My application is a remote rain gouge. If there has been some rain in thee past @48 hrs. it sends a payload every 30 mins. The problem is it sometimes waits 3 hrs and then there is a;
{“why”:“first sync; periodic inbound sync due”}
{“why”:“first sync; periodic inbound sync due (TLS)”}
{“text”:“boot (hardware watchdog & hard reset [16292] [3.0] G:POW)”,“voltage”:3.5527344}
I remember reading somewhere how to open up the so staff can take a look at it but can’t find it now. I can’t figure out why it keeps rebooting, if that is what it’s doing?
Thanks. PS it’s been raining since 9 last night.
Hey @rayjorgnsen,
{“why”:“first sync; periodic inbound sync due”}
{“why”:“first sync; periodic inbound sync due (TLS)”}
{“text”:“boot (hardware watchdog & hard reset [16292] [3.0] G:POW)”,“voltage”:3.5527344}
The hard reset error message indeed means the device is rebooting. The hardware watchdog message I’ve only seen once before, and it was when the device had some physical damage to it. You may want to take a look at the physical device and make sure moisture isn’t getting in.
I remember reading somewhere how to open up the so staff can take a look at it but can’t find it now. I can’t figure out why it keeps rebooting, if that is what it’s doing?
Did you create the Notehub account for the device or did someone else do it for you. All Notecards are backed by a Notehub project, and if you can get in there and look at the events it definitely might help debug the issue you’re having.