What does this mean?

{“text”:“boot (hardfault [16425] [5.0] G:Gp:W~ M:Mp:W900 U:W0 R:Rp:W0 S:Spc T I:W300 W X Y)”,“voltage”:4.9804688}

Hi @TJK,

This likely means there was an error in the Notecard’s memory. It’s not something to be concerned with unless you are seeing the errors repeated. If so, let me know and we would need to do an RMA.


Thank you Rob.
Merry Christmas.

I received another message last night: whichLocation=tower) New Test System _health.qo {“text”:“boot (hardfault [16425] [5.0] G:Gp:W~ M:Mp:W900 U:W0 R:Rp:W0 S:Spc T I:W300 W X Y)”,“voltage”:4.9765625}