Is AUX_CHARGING the same as AUX5?

The card.carrier API says

Uses the AUX5 pin on the Notecard edge connector to notify the Notecard that the pin is connected to a Notecarrier that supports charging, using open-drain.

There are a couple other threads about this pin/API:

Both of those threads seem to mention AUX5 explicitly, but the current version of the Notecarrier F datasheet shows the CHG pin from the BQ24210 connecting to AUX_CHARGING on the Notecard.

Is AUX_CHARGING the same as AUX5?

Anecdotally, card.carrier doesn’t seem to ever return "charging": true with my Notecarrier F :confused:

Nevermind :sweat_smile:

You have to actually plug a power source into the Notecarrier F (and not the Swan) if you want it to start charging. It does appear that AUX_CHARGING might be the same as AUX5.

TBD if it indicates when it’s done charging

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Hi @jfaer,

Good to hear (I was just about to try and replicate this myself :slight_smile:). And yes you are correct that AUX_CHARGING == AUX_5 and we’ll get that updated in the docs.
