HI Blues team…I just managed to reset my Blues LoraWan gateway (sorry!) and now it’s not good for much obviously. I tried manually adding it to ThingsIndustries.com and it tells me it’s already with a tenant. So I can’t delete it and I can’t connect it - help please
Seems https://www.thethingsindustries.com/ is the correct link.
I was silly enough to do a factory reset. Then I tried manually adding the Gateway through DataCake. This is the error I am getting :
“message_format”: “a gateway with EUI {gateway_eui}
is already registered in another tenant”,
“attributes”: {
“gateway_eui”: “AC1F09FFXXXXXXXX”
I’ve X’d out the full identified.
Hey @barneymc we can help. Send me a PM and I’ll help you get your gateway back online.
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