
I am trying to connect my NOTE-WBGLW to notehub and its connecting just fine using cellular. When I try to force the wireless card to go from mode:auto to wifi so that it only transmits data through wifi, it just wont change. I used card.dfu and its shows that WiFi is on aux mode which again I cant change.

Any ideas?

Hey @Marios122, welcome to the Blues community forum!

To specify the connectivity method to use on your Notecard, the card.transport request should be used. The request for enabling Wi-Fi only on the device is:-

{"req":"card.transport", "method":"wifi"}

The card.dfu request on the other hand is only used for outboard firmware update operations and does not control the transport method. Let us know if this resolves your issue. If you’ve already tried the above request, please send us the full sequence of requests and response and we’d be happy to help.


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Thank you Youssif! It somehow wasnt clear to me that transport is the think to change.

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I am now trying to connect to my WiFi and although I provided the correct SSID and password, notecard won’t connect to the WiFi. I keep getting this message “Wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi)”

Hey @Marios122, if you haven’t done this already, you can configure the WiFi SSID using the following request:

{"req":"card.wifi", "ssid":"your_ssid_name", "password":"your_ssid_password"}

Replace “your_ssid_name” and “your_ssid_password” with your actual WiFi credentials. Once you’ve set this up, you can verify that the request was sent correctly with the requst:


Also, double-check that your WiFi is switched on and within range of the Notecard. Please note that the Notecard will only connect to 2.4GHz access points, so if you’re using a 5GHz network, that could be the reason it’s not connecting.

If you’ve already done all of the above but the Notecard still isn’t connecting, can you please share the full list of requests and responses leading up to the error? (No need to include your actual WiFi credentials when sharing your request, just the structure is fine). Please also send the response to {"req":"card.version"} so that we verify the version number.

Relevant links:


1 Like

Hi Youssif, apparently once I remove my swan from the notecarrier, everything works.I can connect to the WiFi, no sweat. Once I connect the swan, it just doesnt connect. I saw this in the link you shared however, I dont know what the solution is to this since I need to use my swan on the notecarrier for my application.

Here is the response of my card.version in case it helps:

{“req”: “card.version”}

“version”: “notecard-”,
“device”: “dev:351077454526305”,
“name”: “Blues Wireless Notecard”,
“sku”: “NOTE-WBGLW”,
“ordering_code”: “HB0YT1N0AEAU”,
“board”: “5.13”,
“wifi”: true,
“cell”: true,
“gps”: true,
“body”: {
“org”: “Blues Wireless”,
“product”: “Notecard”,
“target”: “u5”,
“version”: “notecard-u5-8.1.3”,
“ver_major”: 8,
“ver_minor”: 1,
“ver_patch”: 3,
“ver_build”: 17044,
“built”: “Dec 20 2024 08:45:13”

Hey @Marios122 - Thanks sharing the version number. From your description, it sounds like something on the Swan is interfering with the Notecard’s ability to connect over WiFi. You can try flash erasing the Swan or loading a minimal program (e.g. Hello World or Blinky) that doesn’t interact with the Notecard at all (info on programming the Swan is available here). This will help determine if the Swan’s program is affecting WiFi communication.

If the behaviour persists, you can issue the following requests to the Notecard over USB while the Swan is connected (assuming you are using a Notecarrier F) . This is to inspect the state of the Notecard:-

{"req":"hub.get"} - to verify if the hub is set correctly.
{"req":"hub.sync.status"} - to check if there are any sync problems.
{"req":"card.transport"} - to confirm that WiFi is still the selected transport method.
{"req":"card.wifi"} - to ensure WiFi credentials are still correctly configured.

If you are intentionally programming the Swan to configure the Notecard to communicate over WiFi and you are experiencing this issue, then there may be something in your code that is affecting the behaviour. You’re welcome to share the code here for us to review, or if you prefer you can send it privately via DM or email at


Hi Youssif - I have the blinky firmware on Swan. Yes, I am using Notecarrier F.
Here are the responses to the requests with the Swan connected (I replaced the actual UID & SSID):
“mode”: “periodic”,
“host”: “”,
“product”: “myUID”,
“device”: “dev:351077454526305”,
“vinbound”: “usb:1;high:1440;normal:1440;low:1440;dead:0”,
“voutbound”: “usb:1;high:60;normal:120;low:360;dead:0”

“status”: “wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config} {extended-network-failure}”,
“mode”: “{modem-off}”,
“sync”: true


“version”: “WFM200.3.12.3”,
“ssid”: “mySSID”

At this stage I am programming my notecard from the browser with a USB cable to make sure the Swan firmware is not affecting it.

Hey @Marios122 - I have a NOTE-WBGLW here and I tried to replicate your issue multiple times but couldn’t reproduce. Here’s exactly what I did:-

  1. Plugged the Swan into a Notecarrier-F with the NOTE-WBGLW screwed in.
  2. Connected my STLINK cable to the Swan for programming.
  3. Flashed the swan_blinky app (attached) and verified that the LED blinks as expected.
  4. Used the in-browser terminal to issue the following requests to the Notecard:
    a. {"req":"card.restore", "delete":true, "connected":true} (This factory restores the Notecard and resets it on Notehub. More details here).
    b. {"req":"card.transport", "method":"wifi"}
    c. {"req":"card.wifi", "ssid":"my_ssid", "password":"my_password"}
    d. {"req":"hub.set", "product":"my_product_uid", "sync":true}
    e. (After ~30 seconds) {"req":"hub.sync.status"}

Can you please follow the above steps exactly in this order? Even if you’ve already done similar steps, repeating them in this sequence can help surface any differences between our setups.

If the issue persists, try issuing trace immediately after step 4a (after the Notecard reboots) then press ENTER. This is to capture a detailed log of what’s happening. You can share the full trace output here, just be sure to remove or obscure your SSID and password in the log.

Youssif (2.9 KB)

Hi Youssif, I will run these commands and get back to you in a bit but just wanted to let you know that im not using stlink. I am using the usb cable directly although I dont see how this affects anything since I tried all combinations with the swan connected to usb and/or disconnected and get the same issue.

Hi Youssif, here are the logs.

Welcome to the Notecard In-Browser Terminal.
Start making requests below.
(For advanced info, use the ‘help’ command.)

~ Connected to serial
~ DeviceUID dev:351077454526305 (NOTE-WBGLW) running firmware

{“req”:“card.restore”, “delete”:true, “connected”:true
{“err”:“cannot interpret JSON: ‘}’ expected near end of file {io}”}
{“req”:“card.restore”, “delete”:true, “connected”:true}
{“status”:“module will be reset on notehub for product:UID so that it looks ‘like new’”}

  • Lost connection to device. Attempting to reconnect…
    ~ Trying to reestablish lost connection…
    ~ Connected to serial
    ~ DeviceUID dev:351077454526305 (NOTE-WBGLW) running firmware
    Hint: Set your Notehub ProductUID with {“req”: “hub.set”, “product”: “com.example.product”}

{“req”: “card.transport”,“method”: “wifi”}
{“req”:“hub.set”, “product”:“UID”}
{“err”:“missing ‘req’ field specifying the type of request {io}”}
{“alert”:true,“status”:“wifi now ON {modem-on}”,“mode”:“{wifi-join-wait}”,“requested”:118}
{“alert”:true,“status”:“wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config}”,“mode”:“{modem-off}”,“requested”:141}
{“req”:“card.restore”, “delete”:true, “connected”:true}
{“status”:“module will be reset on notehub for product:UID so that it looks ‘like new’”}

  • Lost connection to device. Attempting to reconnect…
    ~ Trying to reestablish lost connection…
    ~ Connected to serial

G00:05.32 accel: motion sensed and orientation changed from face-up to face-up
S00:05.63 lwip: tcp task activated
~ DeviceUID dev:351077454526305 (NOTE-WBGLW) running firmware
Hint: Set your Notehub ProductUID with {“req”: “hub.set”, “product”: “com.example.product”}
S00:07.48 wifi: FMAC Driver version 3.3.0
S00:07.49 wifi: power on
–Bus initialized–
–Chip initialized–
–Bootloader running–
–Firmware downloaded–
–Message mode set–
–PDS configured–
S00:09.16 wifi: WF200 firmware version 3.12.3
S00:09.17 sync: wireless: wifi now ON {modem-on}
S00:09.68 wifi: power off
S00:10.18 lwip: tcp task deactivated (msgs:0 queues:1 sems:0 mutexes:1)
S00:11.18 sync: wireless: wifi now OFF {modem-off}
S00:11.19 sync: project: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist} {product-noexist}
S00:11.19 penalty: delaying because retries not allowed: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist}
S00:11.20 sync: project: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist}
S00:11.20 sync: work: error in isSyncDue: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist} {sync-error}
S00:11.20 syncOnSchedule: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist}
S00:11.21 sync: project: product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist}

2025-02-21T06:35:41Z 11s 4.61V (4.77V avg over 15m)

S00:11.29 sync: project: connect delayed (61 min remaining): product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist} {service}{extended-service-failure}
S00:11.29 _log.qo: penalty: entering penalty box: connect delayed (61 min remaining): product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist} {service}{extended-service-failure}
S00:11.30 sync: project: connect delayed (61 min remaining): product UID has not yet been specified (set using hub.set) {product-noexist} {service}{extended-service-failure}
S00:11.30 sync: next wake-up due in 1h 0m 0s on expiry of extended error
S00:12.07 sync: *** 1 notefile templates need to be sync’ed to notehub before using ntn ***
T00:20.63 lwip: IP deactivated to conserve energy

{“req”: “card.transport”,“method”: “wifi”}
{“req”:“hub.set”, “product”:“UID”}
S01:26.08 env: added _state_vars
S01:26.10 env: updated _state_vars
S01:26.10 env: added _state_vars_net
S01:26.10 env: updated _state_vars_net
S01:26.11 env: dfu updated
S01:26.13 sync: connect requested by first sync; explicit sync request (DATA)
S01:26.14 ### RESTART (4.57V 23.44C) factory reset [17044] [4.0] G:Gp:W~ M:Mp:W900 U:W0 R:Rp S:W300 T I:W~ W X Y
S01:26.15 wifi: *************** ON ***************
S01:26.15 lwip: tcp task activated
S01:28.00 wifi: FMAC Driver version 3.3.0
S01:28.01 wifi: power on
–Bus initialized–
–Chip initialized–
–Bootloader running–
–Firmware downloaded–
–Message mode set–
–PDS configured–
S01:29.67 wifi: WF200 firmware version 3.12.3
S01:29.68 sync: wireless: wifi now ON {modem-on}
6 -85 50:0F:F5:06:41:29 SSID1
11 -62 D4:24:DD:FD:FD:29 SSID2
1 -64 F4:92:BF:17:07:58 SSID3
S01:31.28 wifi: scan found 3 unique BSSIDs
S01:31.28 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-psk security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}
S01:34.05 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:34.05 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-wpa1 security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}
S01:36.81 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:36.82 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wep security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:36.82 wifi: connect failure 33
S01:36.83 wifi: attempting to join SSID using open security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:38.43 wifi: connect failure 2842
S01:38.44 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-psk security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:41.22 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:41.22 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-wpa1 security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:43.97 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:43.98 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wep security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:43.98 wifi: connect failure 33
S01:43.99 wifi: attempting to join SSID using open security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:45.59 wifi: connect failure 2842
S01:45.60 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-psk security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:48.37 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:48.37 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wpa2-wpa1 security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:51.13 wifi: connect failure 2844
S01:51.14 wifi: attempting to join SSID using wep security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:51.14 wifi: connect failure 33
S01:51.15 wifi: attempting to join SSID using open security
connection timeout {wifi-error}{network}, invalid parameter {wifi-auth}{network}
S01:52.75 wifi: connect failure 2842
S01:53.26 wifi: power off
S01:53.77 lwip: tcp task deactivated (msgs:0 queues:1 sems:0 mutexes:1)
S01:54.77 sync: wireless: wifi now OFF {modem-off}
S01:54.77 wifi: *************** OFF **************
S01:54.78 penalty: retrying because 1 consecutive failures is still less than 5 allowed: wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config}
S01:54.78 sync: connect error: wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config}
S01:54.79 syncOnSchedule: wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config}
S01:54.79 sync: project: wifi: no access point SSID configured (use card.wifi) {wifi-config}
S01:54.82 sync: next wake-up due in 20s to retry sync error
S01:55.58 sync: *** 1 notefile templates need to be sync’ed to notehub before using ntn ***
T02:04.16 lwip: IP deactivated to conserve energy
S02:14.18 sync: connect requested by first sync; explicit sync request (DATA)
S02:14.19 connect: 5.16V 23.44C before comms power-on (2025-02-21T06:37:44Z UTC)
S02:14.19 wifi: *************** ON ***************
S02:14.69 lwip: tcp task activated
S02:16.55 wifi: FMAC Driver version 3.3.0
S02:16.55 wifi: power on

Now I just removed the Swan and powered up again the notecard and it connected like a charm.

Thanks for sending the log - I’ll review it and get back to you.

One thing I forgot to ask: Are you using a USB hub to power your setup (with both the Swan and the Notecard connected via USB)? If this is the case, can you try powering the Notecarrier F directly from a plugged laptop/PC or a dedicated power supply instead of a USB hub? This is to ensure that the Notecard is getting enough power and will help rule out power issues, which could be a factor here, especially since the Notecard connects immediately when the Swan is removed.

Regarding your earlier comemnt, using STLink is not mandatory as long as you can program the Swan and confirm that the blinky application is running as expected (i.e. the LED blinks at the expected fast rate). I’ll also test without an STLink here to ensure our setups match.


Hi Youssif, I am connecting the USB to my laptop. I also tried having both usb cables connected (Swan and Notecarrier F) but I still get the same behavior.

Flashing works fine with USB and firmware on the swan works as expected even with blinky and even when programming the notecard through the swan.