So I tried to firmware update the Notecard
from Current version: to
Requested version:
And got a MD5 error message… tried a second time and got the same message.
So then I updated to a different version Requested version: and it worked correctly.
So then I tried version again and it also got an MD5 error
Is there something wrong with Notecard Firmware version
Hi @DanHarding. Sorry to hear this is giving you trouble. I just attempted to reproduce the issue using both a NOTE-WIFI (our v1 WiFi Notecard) and a NOTE-WBNA (our v1 wideband North America cellular Notecard), and I was able to upgrade both from to without issue.
For next steps, could you please:
Let me know which Notecard you are using.
Collect a trace log of the DFU process, using one of the methods described here, and then share it with me here.
I will attach the log file of the firmware update attempt I just performed a few minutes ago which also failed with the MD5 error message.
OK, so you don’t have a provision for attachments so here is the log copied to the post. OK, so it won’t let me post it because it exceeds 32kb… erased bottom end of log but now won’t let me post because it says I have more than 2 links included… but It looks like an upload button has appeared so I will try that… nope “new users” can’t upload files… I have the log file but appear to be blocked on every method I am trying to send it… how can I send it?
Part way through the update process the USB disconnects and it took me about 45 seconds to reconnect and start logging again so I don’t know if anything critical was missed during that time period.
Could you try sharing it via a direct message to my account here? Sorry, should have mentioned that initially. Also, I am trying to reproduce with a NBGLN as we speak.
Thanks for sending the log. I was not able to reproduce the failure locally with my NBGLN; the upgrade worked. I’m going to study your log some more and discuss with the team. Stay tuned…
OK, I am trying again with a second NoteCard to see if this failure persists or is only occurring on one card. We only use NBGLN model cards so all my tests and posts will be about that version of the Notecard
Well interesting… the second NoteCard firmware update worked correctly on the first attempt so I guess there is some sort of individualized failure on the other card I posted about. As you have tested it and it works on your end and now on mine I would say it is possible that this failure is based on a “one off” hardware failure (loose solder joint or something like that) of some sort and am completely ok with Blues moving on to other issues as this one does NOT appear to be systemic and likely may not be a software issue either… so let’s mark it done and move on… Thanks Hayden for taking a look at it.
Glad it’s working on the new card! If this issue arises again, don’t hesitate to let us know. In that case, it could be interesting to have you all send us the card for us to take a deeper look at it.