Notecard never gets past "cell-registration-wait"

It seems I am having similar problems. I have successfully used the card from other locations but for our product we will need robust performance so I’m really curious what is going on. The card is in my office near a window and there are many cell signals in the area. This is what the cops command produces.

+cops: (1,“Verizon”,“Verizon”,“311480”,8),(1,“312 530”,“312 530”,“312530”,8),(1,“311 882”,“311 882”,“311882”,8),(1,“311 490”,“311 490”,“311490”,8),(1,“312 250”,“312 250”,“312250”,8),(1,“Sprint”,“Sprint”,“310120”,8),(0,1,2,3,4),(0,1,2)

Can you help me understand this output? And why it doesn’t sync?


Hey Chris, thanks for posting, and welcome to the community!

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble connecting. Can you DM me the ICCID for your device and give me more info about your location so we can look into this?

Hi Chris,

There’s one other thing we could try.

It looks like the Notecard is attempting to connect via an Nb-IoT.

The tricky bit about Nb-IoT is it can take a loooong time to connect. So it may just be a matter of letting the Notecard sit and try and connect for a while.

If you would like, you can try and force a connection via LTE CAT-M1 instead of NB-IoT and see if that moves things along.

You can use the following to force the use of CAT-M1

{  "req": "card.wireless", "mode": "m"}

which is documented here: card Requests - API Reference - Blues Developers

However, if CAT-M1 service isn’t available in your location, that won’t help.

In any case, I recommend sending us the ICCID from your Notecard in a private message (DM) or you can email This will enable us to query the mobile carrier to see if we can find out more information about your Notecard connectivity status.

You can get the ICCID by issuing


The reply will contain the ICCID.



Hey @gwolff , if you force M1, does it treat NB as the fallback? Asking for a friend.

No it does not. If you force a specific radio-access technology (RAT) there is no fallback option.

FYI: NbIoT is notoriously slow to connect (especially the first time). It can take an hour to search all bands automatically.


Thank you, sir. That’s all I needed to know.

Excuse me, how do I exit from “modem-test” mode ?

Hi @jorgea and welcome to the Blues Wireless community!

To exit from modem-test mode, you simply need to power cycle the Notecard.

Was this ever resolved? I have the same issue in New Zealand with the global notecard.

It seems like the modem can see the correct network but is having trouble with the registration.

> at+cops=?
+COPS: (1,"Spark NZ","Spark NZ","53005",2),,(0-4),(0-2)

Turns out this wasn’t a global Notecard, and it cannot connect in NZ. We are shipping out the correct Notecards! Sorry about the mix-up.

@bsatrom Hi.
I use Notecarrier-F V1.0 with NOTE-NBGL-500 and also a extern SIM card from “China Unicom”.
According the Log,I always waiting for wireless service. I try with your method.Only see “CHina mobile”.Does it means that Notecard only support Sim card from “CHina mobile”.

Hi @Hank and welcome to the Blues community!

I would check two things:

  1. Is the external SIM card active and proven to work in your region in China?
  2. What is the card.wireless command you sent to the Notecard in order to enable the external SIM? Please see these instructions for configuring an external SIM if you haven’t yet. You need to make sure you get the apn correct for the SIM.


I am having the same problem with getting my Notecard to connect to the cell system.

I have done the {“req”: “hub.sync.status”} command many times and continue to see the {cell-registration-wait} message. Is this a one time connection and registration that a new Notecard has to do in order to register itself, or what?

I read through this entire post. I executed the “at+cops=?” command and got this response:


Later (following info in this thread, I executed the { “req”: “card.wireless”, “mode”: “m”} command. Still no luck.

I now see that when I issue the at+cops-? command I get the “not a modem” command.

I cycled power on the Notecard but I still get this error.

Should I do a {“req”: “card.restore”, “delete”: true} and start all over?

OK, problem solved. I am a new user. After posting this to the forum, I discovered this page and it stepped me through solving this problem…

BTW: This website, forum, etc. is one of the best I have ever used! And I’ve been writing software since long before the internet.