Starnote coverage for Mexico


I’m working on a asset tracking device for a logistics company that needs full coverage in Mexico and the USA. I have the Starnote along with the Cell+WiFi (CAT-M North America) Notecard all on the Notecarrier XS. I’m not too concerned about the USA as there appears to be broad cellular coverage when all the carriers are considered, but that isn’t the case in Mexico. There are rather large gaps in cellular coverage even when all carriers are considered.

This is where I hope to rely on the Starnote for a connection, but I’m having difficulty in determining just how much of Mexico is covered. I checked the Skylo site, but to be honest, its a bit too vague.

Can anyone from Blue’s provide more detailed information on Starnote’s coverage in Mexico or any users have experience with the Starnote in Mexico?



Hi @jimoquinn,

As Skylo is our network provider for Starnote, their coverage map will be the most up-to-date source; it does appear there’s no or limited on the US / Mexico border but I would recommend contacting to see if they can provide more detail. Apologies I can’t give you with a more comprehensive answer, hopefully you can find what you need from Skylo’s support team!



Thanks for the quick response, I will follow up with Skylo. Thought you guys might know of a customer using Starnote in Mexico and their experiences.

I did get 1 satellite connection in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas which is way south near the Guatemalan border, but that is the extent of my testing in Mexico.

Now that Mexico has replaced China is the #1 source of imports, there is an increased demand for tracking of shipments from all over Mexico to the border and to their final destination in the USA.

Starnote is highly preferable given the structure of it’s data rates in comparison to all of it’s competitors.



Good to know, I can imagine there are other prospective parties who’d also be interested to know this! I’ll ask around internally and see if there are any customers who could comment on their experience in Mexico.
