LoRa Notecard sending data to Notehub even without Blues gateway


I’m observing something puzzling. My setup involves sending sensor data from a battery-powered device using a Blues LoRa Notecard to Notehub via a Blues LoRa gateway. Here’s the weird part: yesterday, I unplugged my gateway and took the sensor to work. Surprisingly, the data still got sent to Notehub a few times, even without the gateway being on.

Once I got home and powered the gateway back up, everything continued as usual. Check out the attached screenshot—the orange rectangle shows the period where data was sent without the gateway.

Could my Notecard be connecting to a different gateway at work? Any ideas what’s going on here?


Hi @e669danesh,

Yes, if there is another available LoRaWAN gateway on The Things Network, your Notecard LoRa will automatically connect to it and start delivering data.


Thanks, that’s what I guessed.
I wonder if there are security implications for this and whether there are settings at your end that can control this behaviour?

It’s not something that we can control - it’s actually a major benefit of using LoRaWAN! The LoRa Alliance has a good whitepaper on the topic.