Notecard Lora not syncing to Notehub

I am attempting to setup a Lora Notecard using TTN and trying to get it to sync to Notehub. I am in North America and using a NOTE-LWUS card on the Notecarrier Pi. So far the card is connected to TTN and I am able to see the uplink/downlink messages on TTN when the device is powered on or when I send a sync request. On the In-Browser terminal the “notehub sync attemp” bar is stuck and won’t complete the sync. Eventually the notecard enters “extended-network-failure” and every time I attempt to sync I take it out of the penalty box with “allow:true”. The notecard is currently running firmware version wl- and I have followed all the steps of Diagnosing Cellular Connectivity Issues with no success. Here is an image of the In-Browser terminal with the error messages.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @Aathithan and welcome to the Blues community!

I think it’ll help if we can look at your gateway and device in our Things Stack tenant.

  1. On the back of your gateway is a QR code. Can you please scan that and copy/paste the string that the QR code contains?
  2. Can you also send the device UID? It’s available by issuing a card.version request.


Hi @RobLauer ,


I am using a Laird Sentrius rg191 LoRaWAN Gateway there is no QR code on the back of the gateway.

Device UID: dev:0080e11500088f20

Hi @Aathithan,

Sorry, I assumed you were using a Blues-branded gateway! No worries as we can still debug this:

  1. We need to first confirm that your gateway is online and receiving uplink messages from the Notecard LoRa. As depicted in the image below, you should be able to verify that your Gateway is receiving uplink messages with a Join EUI of 6E 6F 74 65 63 61 72 64, which is the application identifier of the Blues Managed LoRaWAN application server. If you do not see the messages below, you need to confirm 1) That your Gateway is provisioned in your Things Network Account and online and 2) That your Notecard LoRa is on and a Product UID has been set as the Notecard will not attempt a sync without this.

  2. Once you have confirmed that your Gateway is online and uplink messages are being received, the next step is for you to configure Packet Broker. Those steps are listed in this document, and will differ depending on what type of account you have.
    Note: In addition to Packet Broker being enabled, it is also important that the routing configuration is set to “Forward traffic to all networks registered in Packet Broker” as can be seen from the images below.

  3. Once packet broker is configured, you will need to manually trigger a sync with the Notecard LoRa, and it might even require a power-cycle, but after a few minutes, the LoRa Notecard should appear online in our Things Stack Tenant and traffic should flow to Notehub. If you still don’t see the device appear in Notehub after confirming all of the above, please let us know.

Hi @RobLauer

I have checked all the steps and the Notecard Lora is still unable to connect to NoteHub

Here is the join request on my gateway that is connected to TTN:

I have configured the packet broker as shown in the instructions and turned on “Forward traffic to all networks registered in Packet Broker

When you say manually trigger a sync would {“req”:“hub.sync”,“allow”:“true”} be adequate?

The “notehub sync attempt” bar on the In-Browser Terminal is still stuck and my device is not showing up on notehub

Hi @Aathithan,

Great - thanks for verifying that. It looks like your Notecard is not properly provisioned. Can you please run this request on any problem Notecards you have and send me the response back?



Thanks for getting back @RobLauer

After running the request this is what I get back:

{"status":"verifying SKU"}
 "sku": "NOTE-LWUS",
 "freqplan": "US_902_928_FSB_2",
 "device": "dev:0080e11500088f20",
 "board": 3,
 "board_type": 6,
 "org": "Blues Wireless",
 "product": "Notecard",
 "version": "notecard-wl-7.3.1",
 "ver_major": 7,
 "ver_minor": 3,
 "ver_patch": 1,
 "ver_build": 16689,
 "built": "Jun 21 2024 17:22:46",
 "deveui": "0080E11500088F20",
 "appeui": "6E6F746563617264",
 "lorawan": "1.0.3",
 "regional": "RP001_V1_0_3_REV_A",
 "status": "completed",
 "appkey": "D6076ACF5227490321DFD673C2A1131C"

Hi @Aathithan,

It looks to us like this device was already registered in another tenant. Is there any chance you manually created a device in your own Things account? If so, that will need to be deleted first.


Hi @RobLauer,

The only place where I registered the device was as an end device in my TTN application:

Does this mean I should go ahead and delete this?


Yes, delete it from here and then we can provision it once that is done.

Hey @RobLauer I have deleted the device from TTN. Let me know if you need anything else from me.

Thanks for the support!

Ok it has been provisioned now. Please try again!

You should also probably do a factory reset on the Notecard with this command, just to make sure:

{"req": "card.restore", "delete":true, "connected": true}

Hey @RobLauer I tried before and after factory resetting the Card, none of the sync requests are going through.

I am still able to see the uplink messages from the notecard on TTN.

There isn’t “notehub sync attempt” appearing on the top bar. I have set the ProductID accordingly.

The requests end up going into extended-network-failure

> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "sync": true,
 "requested": 15,
 "status": "waiting to begin first sync {idle}"
> {"req":"hub.status"}
{"status":"attempting to join LoRaWAN network {connecting} {wait-service}"}
> {"req":"hub.status"}
{"status":"attempting to join LoRaWAN network {connecting} {wait-service} {extended-network-failure}"}
> {"req":"hub.sync.status"}
 "sync": true,
 "requested": 66,
 "seconds": 3585,
 "status": "waiting to begin first sync {idle} {extended-network-failure}"

The concern here is something is cached in your gateway - can you try resetting your gateway (and possibly even performing a factory reset)?

Hi @RobLauer,

Even after factory resetting the gateway I am running into the same issues.

The uplink messages are appearing on TTN but sync requests are not going through to Notehub. The “notehub attempting to sync” bar is also still not appearing.

{“status”:“attempting to join LoRaWAN network {connecting} {wait-service}”}
“sync”: true,
“requested”: 43,
“status”: “waiting to begin first sync {idle}”
“sync”: true,
“requested”: 209,
“seconds”: 3447,
“status”: “waiting to begin first sync {idle} {extended-network-failure}”
{“status”:“attempting to join LoRaWAN network {connecting} {wait-service} {extended-network-failure}”}

Did you resolve this?

Following the thread - a new LoRaWAN notecard is not syncing. My gateway has the JoinEUI mentioned …64 and physical gateway shows sending & receiving packets.

Hi @briancarter - we are still actively researching these issues. Are you using a Blues gateway or another TTN gateway? And is this happening for all of your Notecard LoRa devices? (Might be helpful if you started a new thread as well here FYI).

I have several Blues LoRa gateways running in the field and all are working as expected.

I have a deployment that requires cell. I purchased a LoRa gateway that has cell (not a Blues gateway) - this is whats having the issue. I’ll start a new thread with this specific scenario.